Home Products Oyster Decision Support Tool
Oyster Decision Support Tool

The Oyster Decision Support Tool is a map-based way to access information on oysters, oyster habitat, and oyster restoration projects in the Chesapeake Bay. Data for the ODST, which came from state and federal agencies working in the Chesapeake, scientists, academic institutions, and nonprofits, include: 

  • Maps and graphs of Maryland oyster disease, live oyster count, spatfall, and mortality levels at each oyster bar sampled, by year
  • Dates of oyster-related activities on each bar in Maryland and map layers showing where oyster restoration has occurred
  • Maps and graphs of modeled water-quality data (bottom salinity and temperature)
  • Seafloor mapping in Maryland and Virginia (describing various bottom types such as shell, sand, and mud)
  • Historic oyster reef boundaries (Named Oyster Bars in Maryland and Baylor Grounds in Virginia)
  • Maryland oyster sanctuary and reserve boundaries

The Oyster Decision Support Tool can be used below, or open the application in a new window to view it in a larger format.
