Applying for a Grant

The B-WET (Bay Watershed Education and Training) Chesapeake Program publishes its Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) on The FFO contains all the information needed to apply for a B-WET grant and includes information to assist applicants in aligning their project proposal to current program priorities.

Proposals must also support the NOAA Education Strategic Plan and the Environmental Literacy Goals and Outcomes of the Chesapeake Bay Program.

Important Documents

Priority Areas for FY 2016

Proposals for FY16 funding must address at least one of several target priorities:

  • Systemic MWEE Implementation: These programs will strive to reach the entire student and teacher population in one or more grades in an entire school system or recognized subunit of a school system with meaningful watershed educational experiences—“MWEEs.”
  • Emerging Projects: In order to cultivate projects and partners not traditionally served by B-WET, NOAA encourages new applicants, or those who have not received B-WET funding in the last five fiscal years (FY11-15), to apply as Emerging Projects.

In addition, projects that support NOAA’s special interests in the region are also encouraged. These special interest areas are:

  • GLOBE Program: GLOBE highlights inquiry-based investigations involving the collection and/or analysis of data about the environment and the Earth system. These projects would include collaborating with the GLOBE program.
  • MWEEs with Habitat Restoration on School Grounds: NOAA is interested in projects that include student participation in restoration of habitat on school grounds or lands immediately adjacent to schools. This special interest area supports the Sustainable Schools Outcome of the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement, which provides an unprecedented opportunity to work with these schools and school divisions to implement environmentally sustainable practices that improve the health of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, offer authentic stewardship experiences for students, and reduce energy and maintenance costs for schools.

Eligible Organizations: K-12 public and independent schools and school systems, institutions of higher education, community-based and nonprofit organizations, state or local government agencies, interstate agencies, and Indian tribal governments

Grant Process at the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office

    Contact  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  if you have any questions.
