Unidata Strategic Advisory Committee

Unidata Strategic Advisory Committee

About the Committee

The Unidata Strategic Advisory Committee (formerly the Unidata Policy Committee) holds the primary responsibility for guiding the Unidata Program. The eight voting members of the committee are drawn from academia, balancing the membership to represent a range of colleges and universities and to reflect the concerns of both instructors and researchers. The committee also includes representatives from NASA, NOAA, and NSF, as well as from UCAR and NCAR, who are important sources of information and advice about events and conditions that can profoundly affect the program.

The Strategic Advisory Committee meets twice a year, and its members serve three-year terms. The committee's official charge is as follows:

The Strategic Advisory Committee recommends to the Unidata Director on policies, activities, and objectives. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, usage, development, services, licensing, financial status, sponsorship, and relations with the private sector. The committee's most important responsibility is to ensure that the needs of the university community are met and that Unidata is responsive to those needs.

Note: At the October 2013 meeting, committee members voted to change the name of from "Unidata Policy Committee" to "Unidata Strategic Advisory Committee." Documents created before the name change will continue to refer to the Policy Committee; documents created after the change will use the name Strategic Advisory Committee.

To nominate yourself or a colleague for membership on the Unidata Strategic Advisory Committee, use our nomination form.

Next Strategic Advisory Committee Meeting

The next meeting is tentatively scheduled to be held 13-14 April, 2017 in Madison, Wisconsin.

Committee Meetings

Click on individual meeting links to see Agendas, Status Report Links, Committee membership lists, Action Items, and so on.

April 13–14, 2017

October 6–7, 2016

April 7–8, 2016

September 30 – October 2, 2015

April 22-23, 2015

October 8-9, 2014

May 20-21, 2014

October 10-11, 2013*
*The committee's name was changed from “Policy Committee” to “Strategic Advisory Committee” at the October 2013 meeting.

May 14-15, 2013

September 18-19, 2012 (Joint meeting with Users Committee)

May 14-15, 2012

October 26-28, 2011 (Joint meeting with Users Committee)

May 23-24, 2011

October 21-22, 2010

April 15-16, 2010

October 15, 2009 (Joint meeting with Users Committee)

May 12-13, 2009

Older Meetings