Bay Education Resources

NOAA offers a wealth of information and resources to enhance learning. The following is a sampling of NOAA program and resources that can be readily incorporated into education programs in the Chesapeake Bay region.

NOAA Education Resources Library
Life in the Chesapeake Bay video
Environmental Visualizations

Teacher at Sea Books

Discover Your World with NOAA

Watershed Mapping and Data Sharing for the Next Generation

Climate Program Office

Climate Education Resources

Weather Education Resources
JetStream Online School for Weather
National Weather Service Educational Brochures

Data & Observations
Chesapeake Bay Interpretive Buoy System (CBIBS)
NOAA Ocean Data Education (NODE) Project
Earth System Research Laboratory

Living Resources
Marine Debris Program

NOAA Fisheries Northeast Regional Office
NOAA Fisheries Protected Resources

NOAA is active in all the Bay watershed states and Washington, D.C. To get a summary of program and activities in your area, visit NOAA In Your State
