
Department of Commerce Gold Medal

2015 - Scientific and Engineering Achievement

GSD’s Assimilation and Modeling Branch/High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) Model Team (along with NWS colleagues in NCEP Central Operations and the Environmental Modeling Center) for achieving success for the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh, the first storm-scale model to give forecasters and decision-makers fast, local weather guidance.

NOAA Bronze Medals


William B. Bendel, Fanthune Moeng, Wilfred G. Von Dauster, Vivian A. LeFebvre, Alexander E. MacDonald, Phyllis Gunn, Rhonda Lange for achieving the 100th worldwide Science On a Sphere® installation and continuing to grow its global engagement of the public in NOAA science.

Scott Nahman for dedication in acquiring supercomputing services to sustain production of the Nation’s operational numerical weather and climate forecast systems.


Stan Benjamin, John Brown, Steve Weygandt for developing the first NCEP operational radar reflectivity assimilation technique and improving convective storm forecasting.

Seth Gutman for his innovative contributions to the development of the Coastal Atmospheric River Monitoring and Early Warning System.

NOAA Administrator's Award


Kevin Kelleher, John Schneider, and Greg Pratt for successfully transitioning the Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System to operations within the NWS


Kevin Kelleher for his help to establish the first systematic approach and consistent voice for advancing the testing capabilities at NOAA testbeds and proving grounds.


Seth Gutman for his long-term leadership in establishing a national ground-based GPS observing network for measuring and monitoring atmospheric water vapor.

Distinguished Career Awards for Professional Achievement


Sandra Aschert for 36 years of exceptional service to NOAA in improving administrative and budgetary programs and policies and for her respected and exemplary leadership.

Darien Davis for her enduring commitment to NOAA's mission, a tenacity to succeed, and an optimistic vision of the future that drew experts from across the agency to advance NOAA IT systems.

NOAA Employees of the Year (Research)


David K. Himes was awarded (posthumously) the NOAA Research Employee of the Year (Individual) for his work developing and sustaining Science on a Sphere®.

Assimilation and Modeling Branch for the development, integration, and transition of the next generation of NOAA's hourly North American prediction, a foundation for realizing NOAA's 'Weather Ready Nation' strategies as well as position NOAA for emerging service areas.

NOAA Research (OAR) Awards


Dr. Hongli Jiang for her current research on the development of methods for fine scale and frequent updated numerical analysis.

Joint Institute Awards


CIRA Research and Service Initiative Award - Missy Petty for the implementation of innovative and creative technology, and achievements that result in substantial impact within and external to the workplace.


CIRA Research and Service Initiative Award - Steve Albers for outstanding contributions to science and technology research and his noteworthy, sustained, accomplishments leading and contributing to numerous research projects over the past four years.

CIRES Bronze Medal for Superior Performance - Shilpi Gupta, Hilary Peddicord, and Beth Russell, CIRES staff in GSD/Advanced Technology and Outreach Branch, were part of a NOAA team honored with a DOC Bronze Medal for achieving the 100th worldwide installation of Science On a Sphere®.

CIRES Outstanding Performance Award for Service - Chris Golden for his work developing a user interface for the National Weather Service’s “Hazard Services.”


CIRES Outstanding Performance Award in Science and Engineering - Ligia Bernardet for her excellence in scientific research, collaborative and multidisciplinary approach, and uncommon initiatives and for her leadership in working to unify differing versions of the Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF) Model.


CIRA Research and Service Initiative Award - Sher Schranz for her outstanding service in administrative oversight, project management, and outreach and her superb accomplishments across a myriad of high-visibility programs and projects (fire weather research, NextGen aviation weather, unmanned aircraft systems, NEIS, FX-Net).

CIRES Outstanding Performance Award - Christopher Clack, CIRES staff in GSD/Renewable Energy Program, for his work in renewable energy and atmospheric science.

CIRES Outstanding Performance Award for Science and Engineering - Julien Lynge for his work with scientists to make data easy to find, access, visualize, and understand and as the lead developer on TerraViz (a component of NEIS), a highly creative and innovative graphical interface that may revolutionize the way scientists and others visualize massive physical data sets in real time.


CIRA Research Initiative (Team) Award - Jebb Stewart, Jeff Smith, Chris MacDermaid, and Randy Pierce for their work on the NOAA Environmental Information System (NEIS).

CIRA Research Initiative Award - Haidao Lin for his work on satellite temperature and moisture bias corrections in the High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) Model.

CIRA Service Initiative Award - Chris MacDermaid for his efforts as GSD's representative on a number of NOAA and OAR working groups and committees.

CIRES Employees of the Year (Team) - Stan Benjamin, Curtis Alexander, Eric James, Steven Peckham, Patrick Hofmann, Bill Moninger, Tanya Smirnova, Ming Hu, Joe Olson, and Xue Wei for the development, integration, and transition of the next generation of NOAA's hourly North American prediction, a foundation for realizing NOAA's 'Weather Ready Nation' strategies as well as position NOAA for emerging service areas.


CIRES Performance “Service Category” - Dr. Steven Peckham for helping to develop and provide support for a complex modeling system known as WRF-Chem, which allows research of extreme relevance to current environmental challenges, especially relating to air quality and global climate change. He has also led tutorials in Boulder and around the world. As a result, the training has made an impact on these regions conducting air quality studies. The model now has many national and international users.

CIRES Performance “Service Category” - Dr. Craig Tierney for promoting and inspiring excellence and dedication to the science and research performed at CIRES as a "cornerstone of the NOAA High Performance Computing (HPC) team in Boulder.” He took on the demanding role of acting High Performance Computing (HPC) Lead, responsible for managing all aspects of NOAA Boulder's HPC resources and representing NOAA Boulder's HPC interests in the midst of a NOAA-wide HPC realignment.


CIRA Research and Service Initiative - Isidora Jankov and Steve Albers for their contributions to numerical weather prediction (NWP) forecasting – and more specifically, research that focuses on the initialization of fine-scale numerical models in GSD's Local Analysis and Prediction System (LAPS) and research efforts aimed at improved physical parameterization schemes and ensemble forecast techniques in NWP.

CIRES Bronze Medal - Curtis Alexander, Ming Hu, Tanya Smirnova for contributions to the operational assimilation of radar reflectivity that won 2010 NOAA Bronze Medal awards for Stan Benjamin, Steve Weygandt, and John Brown. GSD CIRA colleagues Kevin Brundage and Bob Lipschutz were also a part of this Cooperative Institute effort.

Other Awards


Certificate of Recognition – Presented to GSD Senior Scientist Zoltan Toth by the U.S. THORPEX Executive Committee for his international leadership and multifaceted research contributions to US participation in the World Meteorological Organization’s THORPEX Weather Research Program.

The Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group (UVIG) is giving a 2015 Achievement Award to the DOE/NOAA Wind Forecast Improvement Project (WFIP) staff for contributions to improve wind energy forecasts. The NOAA Team includes Stan Benjamin and Joseph Olson. The UVIG was established in 1989 to provide a forum for the critical analysis of wind and solar technology for utility applications and to serve as a source of credible information on the status of wind and solar technology and deployment.

American Meteorological Society's Outstanding Leadership Award - Betsy Weatherhead for her work with the public, private, and academic sectors in improving weather forecasts.

Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Gold Award to ESRL/GSD.

CFC Silver Star Awards - Cherie Adams for her administering and running of the CFC Silent Auction and Penny Granville for processing almost all of the on-line CFC contributions from an overwhelming majority of the David Skaggs Research Center’s on-site organizations.

NOAA DSRC Award - "70 Seconds of Science" Communications Challenge – Explain what you do for NOAA in 70 seconds or less in simple, straight-forward language: 2nd Place - Gopa Padmanabhan, GSD/CIRES.


UVIG Achievement Award - The Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group (UVIG), previously known as the Utility Wind Integration Group (UWIG), is giving a UVIG 2015 Achievement Award to GSD’s Melinda Marquis for her work in leading research to improve weather forecasts in support of wind power.

NOAA DSRC Award - "70 Seconds of Science" Communications Challenge – Explain what you do for NOAA in 70 seconds or less in simple, straight-forward language: 3rd Place - Hilary Peddicord, GSD/CIRES.


Australia's Bureau of Meteorology received Highly Commended Award in the Comcover Awards for Excellence 2012 – Risk Initiative for their Next Generation Forecast and Warning System Project, a major component of which was installing the Graphical Forecast Editor (GFE), designed, developed, and transferred by NOAA/ESRL/GSD/Information Systems Branch, in their forecasting offices.

Excellence in eGovernment Awards - Next Generation Forecast and Warning System Project featured prominently in the Excellence in eGovernment Awards that recognize the most outstanding initiatives in Government Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at the local, state, and federal level. These are very prestigious awards for Australia's Bureau of Meteorology.

NOAA DSRC Award - "70 Seconds of Science" Communications Challenge – Explain what you do for NOAA in 70 seconds or less in simple, straight-forward language: 1st Place - Bill Moninger, GSD/CIRES.