Fruit and Tree Nut Data

Fruit and Tree Nut Data provide users with comprehensive statistics on fresh and processed fruits, melons, and tree nuts in the United States, as well as some global data for these sectors. It harmonizes and integrates data from the ERS market outlook program with data collected by different Federal and international statistical agencies to facilitate analyses of economic performance over time and across domestic and foreign markets. Currently, data are located in the following inter-related products:

NOTE: Data on Consumer Price Indexes and Producer Price Indexes, which were not released on March 2 due to technical difficulties, are now available.

  • Data by Category (e.g., price, production, etc.) provides monthly U.S. imports and exports, producer and consumer price indexes, and selected retail prices.        
  • Data by Commodity provides current import and export data for more than 30 individual fresh and processed fruit and tree nut commodities on a marketing-year basis.
  • Yearbook Tables (in Excel and PDF) contain a time series of annual (or some monthly) data for U.S. bearing acreage, production, prices, trade, per capita use, and more. Eventually, all data currently contained in the Fruit and Tree Nuts Yearbook will be integrated into the Data by Category and Data by Commodity series.

This data product is a work in progress. For help understanding the data, see Documentation.