The People's Garden Initiative

The People’s Garden Initiative works across USDA and with partners to start and sustain school gardens, community gardens, urban farms, and small-scale agriculture projects in rural and urban areas with the mission of growing healthy food, people and communities. This work is accomplished through collaboration and volunteerism. It is named in honor of President Lincoln’s description of USDA as “The People’s Department.”

Find a Garden Near You

Gardens registered as a People’s Garden are located in all 50 states, four U.S. territories and 12 foreign countries. They are located on federally owned or leased property, at schools, faith-based centers and other places within the community. Browse through our garden map and read stories that will inspire you.

Register a Garden

Get on the map by registering your garden project as a “People’s Garden.” It’s free and simple to do! We’ll even send you a free sign upon request.

Any new or existing garden project can be registered as long as it meets three criteria. The garden must: benefit the community where it’s located; be a collaborative effort; and incorporate sustainable practices. The garden may not be at a private residence.

Pollinators at Work

The bee cam shows live activity at the People's Garden Apiary, located on the roof of the Jamie L. Whitten Building at USDA Headquarters in Washington, DC. The apiary is home to about 80,000 Italian honeybees.

Pollinators like honeybees are hard at work providing vital and often unnoticed services. One out of every three bites of food we eat is because of a pollinator–giving our diet diversity, flavor, and nutrition. For many reasons pollinators are struggling but you can help!



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