

State Regulations for Snail Farming

State laws apply to raising snails in a given state and to imports into certain states. Your state also may inspect and approve snail farming facilities. Contact your State's Agriculture Department. Other State government departments that cover natural resources, fish and wildlife, or environmental resources also may regulate specific snail species.


Permits and Restrictions

USDA. APHIS. Plant Protection and Quarantine.

"These guidelines are a reference to help, build, maintain, and operate a facility for specific types of organisms-- in particular, nonindigenous snails...). "While snails may not require a containment facility, their great reproductive potential and ability to escape coupled with their plant feeding activities means that great care should go into developing plans to house and contain them."

USDA. APHIS. Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) Division.

This Web page details USDA PPQ Plant Pest Permits required for the importation or interstate movement of live snails, and certain restrictions on the culture, release or interstate movement of snails. "USDA will authorize interstate movement of live snails for the purpose of establishing a snail farm....The permit applicant must obtain, in writing, State Agricultural Official concurrence before a movement permit will be issued." USDA may permit the interstate movement of snails or slugs for educational use in classrooms.

USDA. NAL. National Invasive Species Information Center.

Federally Regulated: Snails in the genus Achatina (e.g., Achatina fulica, the Giant African Snail), are specifically prohibited for both interstate movement and importation into the U.S. This snail species group is not only strictly prohibited from entering the U.S. but is safeguarded when discovered.

USDA. Food and Drug Administration.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the canning of low-acid foods such as snails. "All commercial processors of low-acid and acidified foods located in the United States and all processors in other countries who export low-acid canned food or acidified food products into the United States must register their processing plants with FDA."


Snail Farming

Nordsieck, Robert

Select Snail Cultivation from Menu.  Discusses the history of heliciculture, snail culture and processing of edible snails, food habits, snail reproduction, and more.
