« Unidata AWIPS Overview

Install CAVE Viz Client

Mac OS X awips2-cave-16.2.2.dmg
CentOS/RHEL 6 or 7 (x86_64) installCAVE.sh
32-bit Windows awips-cave.msi
64-bit Windows awips-cave.amd64.msi
CentOS 6 (x86_64) standalone awips2-cave.tar

Run Cave

  • Linux: Gnome menu Applications > Internet > AWIPS CAVE, or cave from the command line.
  • Mac OS X: CAVE should be installed to the Applications folder.
  • Windows: Start menu.

    If this is your first time running CAVE, you will see the connection preferences dialog. The default is "localhost". An EDEX server has been deployed in the Microsoft Azure cloud, accessible at edex-cloud.unidata.ucar.edu (without :9581/services)

    If the Site entry turns white, you are connected to the alert server and should see the CAVE splash screen.

    Install EDEX Data Server

    CentOS/RHEL 6 or 7 (x86_64) installEDEX.sh Run from the command line
    chmod 755 installEDEX.sh && ./installEDEX.sh
    Quetions about installing or using AWIPS can be sent to support-awips@unidata.ucar.edu

    Full EDEX Install Instructions - http://unidata.github.io/awips2/docs/install/install-edex.html

    More Help

    Unidata AWIPS User Manual - http://unidata.github.io/awips2/

    Unidata hosts a mailing list for AWIPS users. Topics include installation and configuration of AWIPS components, IDD / LDM data flow, CAVE use and GEMPAK integration. To join, send an email to awips2-users-request@unidata.ucar.edu