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Getting Started

Please review the quick checklist below to begin preparing your submission.

This will help to make sure your submission is complete and gets handled as quickly as possible. 

Is your manuscript the right fit for PLOS ONE?

Read the criteria for publication and journal scope for information on what we publish.

PLOS ONE does not consider presubmission inquiries. 

Have you identified potential editors?

See the list of Editorial Board members to identify those who might be a good match for your research. You will enter this information in the submission form. 

Have you read our policies?

Review the editorial and publishing policies to understand the requirements that apply to your submission.

Are you prepared to meet our data availability requirements?

Read our policy on data availability.

Is the author list confirmed?

Do you have the following information for all authors listed on the manuscript?

  • Full names, including initials if using
  • Affiliations
  • Email address
  • Any potential competing interests
  • Funding information
  • Author contributions

Are all authors aware of the submission? Is the order of authors confirmed? Does the corresponding author have an ORCID iD and is this number entered in the Editorial Manager profile?

Read more about preparing the author list.

Have you read our style and format guidelines?

Read the submission guidelines for information about manuscript style and format.

Additional guidance is available for the following:

Does your study follow appropriate reporting guidelines?

Read more about recommended reporting guidelines for different study types.

Are you ready to declare funding sources and competing interests?

Read our policies on disclosure of funding sources and competing interests.

Have you read the license agreement?

PLOS applies the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to works we publish. Under this license, authors agree to make articles legally available for reuse, without permission or fees, for virtually any purpose. Anyone may copy, distribute, or reuse these articles, as long as the author and original source are properly cited.

You must be prepared to sign the license agreement on behalf of all the authors. Read our licenses and copyright policy

Can you access the submission system?

All manuscripts must be submitted in the online submission system.

If you are a new user, click “Register Now” to create an account. If you are having trouble accessing an existing account, click “Login Help” or email the journal