Shared solutions to protect shared values

  • Walrus Cows and Yearlings on Ice. Photo credit: USFWS / Joel Garlich-Miller
  • Touring by canoe. Photo creedit: USFWS / Steve Hillebrand
  • Sunrise. Photo credit: USFWS / Steve Hillebrand

In 2016 there were seven Award recipients and seven honorable mentions. In 2017, a similar number of recipients and honorable mentions are expected in the categories listed below. The final number of Award recipients and honorable mentions will depend on the nominations received. Each recipient will receive a personalized plaque and be invited to participate in a special session to highlight their work at the National Adaptation Forum, May 9-11, 2017 in St. Paul, MN.


In 2017, each Award nomination must identify which of the following categories best describes the individual or organization being nominated.  Awards and honorable mentions are expected in each of these categories depending on the nominations received.

  • Federal government
  • State or Local government
  • Tribal government
  • Other organizations (e.g., industry, environmental, academic, NGO etc.)
  • Broad Partnership Organizations (co-led efforts)
  • Individual Leadership
  • Student Leadership


  • Both government (federal, state, tribal, and local) and non-governmental organizations are eligible.
  • Individuals and organizations may submit nominations. Self-nominations and third party nominations are acceptable.
  • Individuals and organizations should be based in the United States and focus primarily on
  • U.S. resources.
  • Individuals and organizations can represent sectors other than natural resources (air, forests, soils, water, fish, wildlife and plants), but must demonstrate how their work has tangible impacts on natural resources conservation.
  • Nominations may be for efforts that are ongoing or recently completed.
  • Previous award recipients and honorable mentions may be nominated again if their work is significantly different than the work for which they were originally recognized.


The Climate Adaptation Leadership Award for Natural Resources is designed to recognize efforts that demonstrate outstanding leadership for advancing the resilience of the nation's living natural resources. Projects must address one or more of the goals identified in the Strategy.

  • Goal 1: Conserve habitat to support healthy fish, wildlife, and plant populations and ecosystem functions;
  • Goal 2: Manage species and habitats to protect ecosystem functions and provide sustainable commercial, subsistence, recreational and cultural use;
  • Goal 3: Enhance capacity for effective management;
  • Goal 4: Support adaptive management through integrated observation and monitoring and use of decision support tools;
  • Goal 5 Increase knowledge and information on impacts and responses of fish, wildlife, and plants;
  • Goal 6: Increase awareness and motivate action to safeguard fish, wildlife, and plants; and
  • Goal 7: Reduce non-climate stressors to help fish, wildlife, plants, and ecosystems.

Nominations will be reviewed and ranked based on the following criteria:

  • PROACTIVE:  Promotes preparation and response in ways that advance the resilience of natural resources in a changing climate.
  • INNOVATIVE/TRANSFORMATIVE:  Develops and/or applies innovative tools/approaches to advance the resilience of natural resources in a changing climate.
  • RESULTS/EFFECTIVENESS:  Employs highly effective proven strategies and/or obtains results in improving resilience of natural resources and/or resource-dependent communities to a changing climate.
  • REPLICATION:  The effort is being replicated elsewhere or has high potential for replication (e.g., across regions, sectors or nation-wide).
  • COLLABORATIVE:  Demonstrates outstanding collaboration to advance the resilience of natural resources in a changing climate.

2017 Nomination Period

Please submit your nomination by 8:00 pm EST on Friday, December 9, 2016 using this online form.  Applications sent after this date will not be considered.

Contact with questions.


The Award is sponsored by the National Fish, Wildlife, and Plant Climate Adaptation Strategy's Joint Implementation Working Group.