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IPM for Fruit

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Precision Fruit Spraying Conference, April 8 & 9 2008

We help you deal with pests—with the weeds, insects, and plant diseases that infest your tree fruit, grapes, and berry crops. Our research, workshops, demonstrations, and publications help you find answers to problems new and old.

Of course, each grower’s situation is different, and pest management doesn’t exist in a vacuum—it's closely linked with other management decisions on the farm. That's why we work closely with local extension educators, crop consultants, agricultural businesses, Cornell University faculty, and you to teach a range of economically and environmentally sound ways to deal with pest and farm management problems.

Our Fruit IPM Working Group makes long-range plans for research and extension projects. The group receives and reviews grant proposals submitted to the NYS IPM grant program.  The group promotes informed and active teamwork and comprises growers, research and extension faculty and educators, and private crop consultants.

Juliet Carroll, Fruit IPM Coordinator
Tim Weigle, Grape IPM Area Extension Educator
About This Site
These pages are maintained by the New York State IPM Program, part of Cornell Cooperative Extension. All material is protected by Section 107 of the 1976 copyright law. Copyright is held by Cornell University and the New York State IPM Program.