Lei Hu, Ph.D.

Research Scientist I, CIRES
University of Colorado at Boulder
NOAA/ESRL Global Monitoring Division
Boulder, CO 80305, USA





Ph.D. in Oceanography, Texas A&M University, USA


2007 B.S. in Chemistry (minor: Marine Chemistry), Ocean University of China, China

Professional Experience:


Research Scientist I, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), University of Colorado at Boulder; Global Monitoring Divison, Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL), NOAA, USA


National Research Council Post-doctoral Fellow, Gobal Monitoring Divison, ESRL, NOAA, USA


Research/Teaching Assistant, Department of Oceanography, Texas A& M University, USA

Honors and Awards:


Postdoctoral fellowship awarded by National Research Council, USA


Postdoctoral fellowship awarded by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA (declined)


Outstanding achievement award in advanced oral skills, English Language Institute, Texas A&M University, USA


Outstanding thesis award, Ocean University of China, China


2nd prize in “The 5th Challenge Cup - National University Student Business Plan” in Shandong, China


Outstanding Student Scholarship, Ocean University of China, China


Outstanding Student Leader, Ocean University of China, China

Peer-Reviewed Publications:


Hu, L., et al. (2016), Continued emissions of carbon tetrachloride from the U.S. nearly two decades after its phase-out for dispersive uses, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, doi:10.1073/pnas.1522284113.


Hu, L., et al. (2015), U.S. emissions of HFC-134a derived for 2008–2012 from an extensive flask-air sampling network, J. Geophys. Res.: Atmospheres, 2014JD022617, doi:10.1002/2014JD022617.


Montzka, S. A., M. McFarland, S. O. Andersen, B. R. Miller, D. W. Fahey, B. D. Hall, L. Hu, C. Siso, and J. W. Elkins (2014), Recent Trends in Global Emissions of Hydrochlorofluorocarbons and Hydrofluorocarbons: Reflecting on the 2007 Adjustments to the Montreal Protocol, J. Phys. Chem. A, doi:10.1021/jp5097376.


Hu, L., S. A. Yvon-Lewis, J. H. Butler, J. M. Lobert and D. B. King (2013), An improved oceanic budget for methyl chloride, J. Geophys. Res.- Oceans, 118, 715–725, doi:10.1029/2012JC008196.

Liu, Y., S. A. Yvon-Lewis, D. C. O. Thornton, J. H. Butler, T. S. Bianchi, L. Campbell, L. Hu, and R. W. Smith (2013), Spatial and temporal distributions of bromoform and dibromomethane in the Atlantic Ocean and their relationship with photosynthetic biomass, J. Geophys. Res. - Oceans, 118, 3950–3965, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20299.


Hu, L., S. A. Yvon-Lewis, Y. Liu, and T. S. Bianchi (2012), The ocean in near equilibrium with atmospheric methyl bromide, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 26, GB3016, doi:10.1029/2011GB004272.

Hu, L., S. A. Yvon-Lewis, J. D. Kessler, and I. R. MacDonald (2012), Methane fluxes to the atmosphere from deepwater hydrocarbon seeps in the northern Gulf of Mexico, J. Geophys. Res., 117, C01009, doi: 10.1029/2011JC007208.

Mahajan, A. S., J. C. Gómez Martín, T. D. Hay, S.-J. Royer, S. A. Yvon-Lewis, Y. Liu, L. Hu, C. Prados-Roman, C. Ordóñez, J. M. C. Plane, and A. Saiz-Lopez (2012), Latitudinal distribution of reactive iodine in the Eastern Pacific and its link to open ocean sources, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 11609-11617, doi:10.5194/acp-12-11609-2012.

Wei, F., L. Hu, G. Chen, Q. Li, and Y. Xie (2012), Reconstruction of summer sea-level pressure over East Asia since 1470, J. Climate, 10.1175/jcli-d-11-00298.1.


Yvon-Lewis, S. A., L. Hu, and J. Kessler (2011), Methane flux to the atmosphere from the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster, Geophs. Res. Lett., 38, L01602, doi: 10.1029/2010GL045928.

Valentine, D. L., J. D. Kessler, M. C. Redmond, S. D. Mendes, M. B. Heintz, C. Farwell, L. Hu, F. S. Kinnaman, S. A. Yvon-Lewis, M. Du, E. W. Chan, F. Garcia Tigreros, and C. J. Villanueva (2010), Propane respiration jump-starts microbial response to a deep oil spill, Science, 330, doi: 10.1126/science.1196830.

Liu, Y., S. A. Yvon-Lewis, L. Hu, J. E. Salisbury, and J. E. O’Hern (2011), Selected Brominated Very Short-Lived Substances in the U.S. Coastal Waters during the Gulf of Mexico and East Coast Carbon (GOMECC) Cruise, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C10004, doi: 10.1029/2010JC006729.


Hu, L., S. A. Yvon-Lewis, Y. Liu, J. E. Salisbury, and J. E. O'Hern (2010), Coastal emissions of methyl bromide and methyl chloride along the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the east coast of the United States, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 24, GB1007, doi:10.1029/2009GB003514.

Xie, Y., F. Wei, G. Chen, T. Zhang, and L. Hu (2010), Analysis of the 2008 heavy snowfall over South China using GPS PWV measurements from the Tibetan Plateau. Ann. Geophys., 28, 1369-1376.


Hu, L., S. M. Liu, J. L. Ren, Y. Y. Zhu, and J. Zhang (2009), Study on the distribution of acid volatile sulfide in sediments of coastal zone of the East China Sea, Marine Environ. Sci., 28 (5), 482-486 (in Chinese).

Conference Presentations or Invited Seminars

(*First-author oral presentations):


*Hu, L., et al., Atmosphere-derived carbon tetrachloride emission from the U.S. during 2008-2012, Workshop on “Solving the Mystery of Carbon Tetrachloride”, Zurich, Switzerland, Oct. 5 – 6, 2015

Hu, L., et al., Atmosphere-derived national emissions of anthropogenic greenhouse gases from the US over multiple years, 5th NACP Principal Investigators Meeting, Washington D.C., USA, Jan 26 - 29, 2015.


*Hu, L., et al., Atmosphere-derived national emissions of ozone depleting substances and substitutes for the United States, 2014 AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec 15 – 19, 2014.

*Hu, L., et al., Atmosphere-based top-down emission estimates of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) for the US, 7th International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases (NCGG7), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Nov 5 – 7, 2014.

*Hu, L., et al., 2014, Atmosphere-based top-down emission estimates of HFC-134a and HCFC-22 from the US over multiple years, 2014 Global Monitoring Annual Conference, Boulder, CO, USA, May 20 – 21, 2014.

Hu, L., et al., Atmosphere-based national emission estimates of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and hydrochlorocarbons (HCFCs) from the US, 16th GEIA Conference, Boulder, CO, USA, Jun 10 – 11, 2014.

Montzka, S. A., et al., Atmosphere-based estimates of non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions for the U.S. derived from14CO2 during 2009-2012, 2014 AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec 15 – 19, 2014.

Montzka, et al., Atmosphere-based estimates of non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions for the U.S. derived from 14CO2, 16th GEIA Conference, Boulder, CO, USA, Jun 10 – 11, 2014.

Montzka, S. A., et al., Recent trends in global concentrations and emissions of hydrochlorofluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons, 2014 Global Monitoring Annual Conference, Boulder, CO, USA, May 20 – 21, 2014.


*Hu, L., et al., Atmosphere-based nation-wide emission estimates of hydrofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons from the US, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec. 8 – 13, 2013.

*Hu, L., et al., Regional emission estimates of selected anthropogenic greenhouse gases (HFC-134a, HCFC-22, and CH4) from California, NOAA/ESRL Global Monitoring Annual Conference, Boulder, CO, USA, May 21 – 22, 2013.

Hu, L., et al., Assessment of various background approaches for their use in deriving regional emissions from atmospheric data, 4th NACP All-Investigators Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, USA, Feb 4 – 7, 2013.

Montzka, S. A., et al., Global changes in atmospheric concentrations of hydrochlorofluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons: assessing and guiding international policy decisions, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec. 8 – 13, 2013.

Montzka, S. A., et al., 14C-based emission estimates for halocarbons and other greenhouse gases across the U.S., NOAA/ESRL Global Monitoring Annual Conference, Boulder, CO, USA, May 21 – 22, 2013.

Montzka, S. A. et al., 14C-based emission estimates fro halocarbons and other greenhouse gases across the U.S., 4th NACP All-Investigators Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, USA, Feb 4 – 7, 2013.


Hu, L., et al., Methane fluxes to the atmosphere from deepwater hydrocarbon sources, Student Research Week, Texas A&M University, USA, Mar. 22, 2012.

Hu, L., et al., Methane fluxes to the atmosphere from deepwater hydrocarbon sources, Global Monitoring Annual Conference, NOAA Eath System Research Laboratory, Boulder, CO, USA, May 15 -18, 2012.


*Hu, L., et al., Methane fluxes to the atmosphere from deepwater hydrocarbon sources, ExxonMobil - Upstream Research Company, Dec. 19, 2011

Hu, L., et al., Using “Top-down” approach to examine atmospheric budgets of methyl bromide and methyl chloride, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec. 5 – 9, 2011.

Hu, L., et al., The ocean in near equilibrium with atmospheric CH3Br, 2011 IYC O3 symposium on stratospheric ozone and climate change, Washington D. C., USA, Nov 7 – 10, 2011.

Liu, Y., et al., Polyhalogenated very short-lived substances in the Atlantic Ocean, and their linkages with ocean primary production, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec. 5 – 9, 2011.


Hu, L. and S. A. Yvon-Lewis, Saturation state of methyl bromide after phaseout, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec. 14 – 19, 2010.

Hu, L., et al., Air-sea fluxes of methane from deep hydrocarbon seeps in the northern Gulf of Mexico during HYFLUX, workshop on US-DOE funded gas hydrate research, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, USA, Jan 25 – 29, 2010.

Yvon-Lewis, S. A., et al., Methane flux to the atmosphere from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Leak, 2010 Fall meeting AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec. 14 – 19, 2010.

Valentine, D.L., et al., A horizon of natural gas in the deep Gulf of Mexico dominates the microbial landscape, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec. 14 – 19, 2010.

Kessler, J. D., et al., Using the Deepwater Horizon disaster to investigate natural biogeochemical cycling associated with rapid methane emissions, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec. 14 – 19, 2010.

Liu, Y., et al., Brominated VSLSs in and over the East Pacific During the Halocabon Air-Sea Transect-Pacific cruise (HalocAST-P), AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec. 14 – 19, 2010.


*Hu, L., et al., Air-sea fluxes of methane from deep hydrocarbon seeps in the northern Gulf of Mexico during HYFLUX, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec. 14 – 19, 2009. (Student Research Highlight)


Hu, L., et al., Coastal emissions of methyl bromide and methyl chloride along the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the east coast of the U.S., AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec. 14 – 19, 2008.

Liu, Y., et al., Bromoform and Dibromomethane in Coastal Waters During the Gulf of Mexico and East Coast Carbon (GOMECC) Cruise, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec. 14 – 19, 2008.

Yvon-Lewis, et al., Selected CFC and HCFC Tracers Observed During the Gulf of Mexico East Coast Carbon (GOMECC) Cruise, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec. 14 – 19, 2008.

Professional Affiliations:

Field Work:


Halocarbon Air-Sea Transect - Atlantic, FS Polarstern

Halocarbon Air-Sea Transect - Pacific, R/V Thomas Thompson

Persistent Localized Underwater Methane Emission Study in the Gulf of Mexico, R/V Cape Hatteras


Remote Sensing and Sea-Truth Measurements of Methane Flux to the Atmosphere in the Gulf of Mexico, R/V Brooks McCall


Field work in East China Sea to determine the chemical oxygen demand in water over this region, R/V Dong Fang Hong



Wang, G., A. Deng, X. Lu, Z. Xuan, H. Lin, Q. Li, S. Wu, L. Hu, L. Dai, J. Dong, N. Zheng, Q. Hu, Q. Qiao, and Y. Zhong (2006), Solar Distilled Drinking Water Equipment, State Intellectual Property Office of The People Republic of China, ZL 2004 2 0099560.9