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Turf Irrigation Managment System (TIMS)

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TIMS Turf Irrigation Water Management Model Registration

Lead Scientist: Dr. Charles Peacock, Professor of Turfgrass Science Crop Science Department
Contributing Scientist: Dr. Dan Bowman, Professor of Turfgrass Science Crop Science Department
Meteorologists: Mark Brooks, Joshua Hemperly, Ryan Boyles, State Climate Office of North Carolina
Web Applications Engineer & Programming Manager: Jenifer Jordan, Crop Science Department
Database Programmer: David Zahn, Crop Science Department
Website Maintenance Engineer: Shrikant Chaudhari, Shuyuan Shi, Crop Science Department

What is a Turf Irrigation Water Management Program?

The TIMS Water Management Program is available to North Carolinians to calculate and track irrigation use. Using the NC Climate Office current weather data, TIMS can tell you in number of minutes how long to water your lawn.

Why Should You Use It?

Our hope is that after a few weeks of use, lawn owners will be able to save at least 25% of normal irrigation.

Why You Tell Others to Use it TOO

If 100,000 people use this program to schedule irrigation, North Carolina could save millions of gallons of water and maintain healthier lawns. Just answer a few simple questions about your lawn and start your water diary today!

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State Climate OfficeCENTERE for Turfgrass Environmental Research & Education
The success of the TIMS project is due to the partnership and hard work of the North Carolina State Climate Office, the Department of Crop Science and the NCSU Turf Workgroup. Funding for this project has been provided by the Center for Turfgrass Environmental Research and Education at NCSU.


The precipitation estimates provided herein are derived from National Weather Service's WSR-88D Doppler Radar. Radar precipitation estimates can be grossly inaccurate, so radar-based precipitation values are calibrated with observations from routinely available hourly surface gauges.

The combined product provides the spatial resolution of radar with the increased accuracy of surface gauge networks. These gauge-calibrated radar estimates are known as Multi-sensor Precipitation Estimates, or MPE. The MPE grids used in this tool are routinely produced by the National Weather Service and National Centers for Environmental Prediction.

MPE is not perfect, and still has known errors. A study by the State Climate Office of North Carolina suggests that MPE compares well with an independent daily precipitation gauge network over the Carolinas, with an average daily error of approximately 0.25 inches.

Error tends to be lower in the winter and higher in the summer. While MPE is the best available operational estimate of rainfall for locations where gauges are not available, it can't consistently replicate the accuracy of onsite rain gauges.

TurfFiles Logo© copyright 2005-present North Carolina State University
 TurfFiles is funded by the Center for Turfgrass Environmental Research & Education (CENTERE) through public and private grants.