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United States Department of Agriculture

Agricultural Research Service

USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
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Release 28

This page provides access to Release 28 of the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference. You can either view the data here or download the data files and documentation in several different formats for use on your computer. An online search is also provided so you can look up the nutrient content of 8,789 different foods directly from this home page. 

Note:  Since the release of SR28 in September 2015 we have found a number of foods where nutrient values were not calculated properly.  We have also updated a number of other food items.  These values have been updated in the online web search program.  If you have downloaded the database for use on your computer, the download files available below have also been updated.  A full listing of the revisions is included in the SR28 Documentation and Users Guide.  The changes included in the May 2016 update file for SR28 will be included in the update files disseminated with SR29.

The suggested citation for this database is:

US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Nutrient Data Laboratory. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 28. Version Current:  September 2015, slightly revised May 2016.  Internet:  /nea/bhnrc/ndl

    • Nutrient lists for selected foods and nutrients.  These lists, formerly available as PDF files are now integrated into the online search program.   You can select up to three nutrients, sorted either by food description or in descending order by nutrient content in terms of common household measures.  You can also limit the search to one several, or all food groups.  

      You will need the Adobe? Reader? viewer to view these reports.  These reports can also be downloaded to your PC and/or printed on your printer.
  • Download the SR28 files for use on your computer.
  • SR28 documentation describing all the files, their fields and relationships accompanies the database and can be viewed online. 

SR28 Data Files (ASCII) - Note that these files have not been updated with the May 2016 revisions.

Updates to Earlier Releases

These files are for those users who have built their own database and wish to perform their own updates:

Previous Releases

Last Modified: 8/13/2016
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