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Community-based Restoration Program

The NOAA Restoration Center’s Community-based Restoration Program invests funding and technical expertise in high-priority habitat restoration projects that instill strong conservation values and engage citizens in hands-on activities. Through the program, NOAA, its partners, and thousands of volunteers are actively restoring coastal, marine, and migratory fish habitat across the nation.

The NOAA Restoration Center staff helps to identify potential projects, strengthen the development and implementation of habitat restoration activities within communities, and generate long-term national and regional partnerships to support community-based restoration efforts across a wide geographic area.

Community-based Restoration Program at a Glance

  • Invests millions of dollars annually in restoration, leveraging double and triple the outcome by working with partner organizations.
  • Provides restoration science and technical guidance, including assistance with environmental compliance, and monitoring.
  • Promotes community involvement and stewardship of local projects.
  • Implements special initiatives to remove marine debris and re-open coastal river habitat to fish that migrate inland from the ocean.