For questions about GMD seminars, contact Julie Singewald, Phone: (303) 497-6074 or Ann Thorne, Phone: (303) 497-4600.

Visitor Information: The Visitors Center and entrance to the Boulder Department of Commerce facilities are located on Broadway at Rayleigh Road. All visiting seminar attendees, including pedestrians and bike riders, are required to check in at the Visitors Center at the Security Checkpoint to receive a visitor badge. Seminar attendees need to present a valid photo ID and mention the seminar title or the speaker's name to obtain a visitor badge. If security personnel asks for a point of contact please list Ann Thorne (x4600) or Julie Singewald (x6074).

If you are a foreign national without permanent residency, please call Ann Thorne at 303-497-4600 (leave a message including your name) or send an e-mail to Julie Singewald at least one day before the seminar if you plan to attend.

Upcoming Seminars

Speaker: Dr. Waleed Abdalati
Dr. Waleed Abdalati is the Director of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the University of Colorado. Prior to joining CIRES, he held various positions at NASA, including that of the NASA chief scientist in 2011 and 2012. His research interests are in the use of satellite and airborne remote sensing techniques, integrated with in situ observations and modeling, to understand how and why the Earth’s glaciers and ice sheets are changing and the implications for sea level rise. During his career, Dr. Abdalati has received over a dozen professional awards from diverse entities such as the White House, NASA, NSF, and the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Date/Time: Friday, January 27, 2017 02:00 PM
Location: DSRC GC402
Title: Earth from Space: The Power of Perspective
Throughout history, humans have always valued the view from above, seeking high ground to survey the land, find food, assess threats, and understand their immediate environment. The advent of aircraft early in the 20th century took this capability literally to new levels, as aerial photos of farm lands, hazards, military threats, etc. provided new opportunities for security and prosperity. And in 1960, with the launch of the first weather satellite, TIROS, we came to know our world in ways that were not possible before, as we saw the Earth as a system of interacting components. In the decades since, our ability to understand the Earth System and its dynamic components has been transformed profoundly and repeatedly by satellite observations. From examining changes in sea level, to deformation of the Earth surface, to ozone depletion, to the Earth’s energy balance, satellites have helped us understand our changing planet in ways that would not have otherwise been possible. The challenge moving forward is to continue to evolve beyond watching Earth processes unfold and understanding the underlying mechanisms of change, to anticipating future conditions, more comprehensively than we do today, for the benefit of society. The capabilities to do so are well within our reach, and with appropriate investments in observing systems, research, and activities that support translating observations into societal value, we can realize the full potential of this tremendous space-based perspective. Doing so will not just change our views of the Earth, but will improve our relationship with it.


GMD Seminar series archived by year: