National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration website NOAA's Gulf of Mexico Regional Collaboration Team

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Gulf Economy

The Gulf of Mexico Gross Domestic Product of $2.2 trillion is vital to the economic well-being of the nation, and dependent on healthy Gulf ecosystems. Ocean-related activities of the five U.S. states bordering the Gulf of Mexico support 11 of the top 15 U.S. tonnage ports; 4 of the top 7 U.S. commercial fishing ports by weight; 52% of the U.S. domestic crude oil and 54% of the U.S. natural gas production; and a tourism industry estimated at $34.9 billion (Cato, 2009).

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Areas of Interest


Coastal Change Analysis Program

The Coastal Change Analysis Program (C-CAP) produces a nationally standardized database of land cover and land change information for the coastal regions of the U.S. C-CAP products provide inventories of coastal intertidal areas, wetlands, and adjacent uplands with the goal of monitoring these habitats by updating the land cover maps every five years. C-CAP products are developed using multiple dates of remotely sensed imagery and consist of raster-based land cover maps for each date of analysis, as well as a file that highlights what changes have occurred between these dates and where the changes were located.

Coastal County Snapshots

Coastal County Snapshots turn complex data into easy-to-understand stories, complete with charts and graphs. Users select a coastal county of interest and the website does the rest, providing information that can help communities become more resilient to coastal hazards.

Community Decision Support to Local Governments in Budget Planning under Coastal Risk

This manual serves as a guide for Extension agents and local practitioners - those working through the process of educating governmental entities or a community's leadership in attaining a desired level of financial resiliency for communities vulnerable to tropical natural disaster events.

Economic Assessments of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill non-gov narrative image

Gulf of Mexico at a Glance

A Second Glance is an accessible reference to support regional decision-making and communications about the importance of healthy Gulf coastal ecosystems to a robust national economy, a safe population, and a high quality of life. It helps to better define the regional context in which state, local, and federal partners work together to better manage the Gulf's coastal natural resources.

National Ocean Watch

The effective management of coastal resources requires an understanding of the ocean and Great Lakes economy. This tool allows users to interact with Economics: National Ocean Watch data, which describe six economic sectors that depend on the oceans and Great Lakes.

NOAA Spatial Trends in Coastal Socioeconomics

The Spatial Trends in Coastal Socioeconomics (STICS) maintained by NOAA's National Ocean Service Special Projects Division, recompiles socioeconomic data to estimate demographic and economic attributes for a variety of important coastal management jurisdictions, like watersheds, floodplains, costal counties, and place-based coastal management programs.

Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Impacts Viewer

Being able to visualize potential impacts from sea level rise is a powerful teaching and planning tool, and the Sea Level Rise Viewer brings this capability to coastal communities. A slider bar is used to show how various levels of sea level rise will impact coastal communities. Completed areas include Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, Florida, and Georgia, with additional coastal counties to be added in the near future. Visuals and the accompanying data and information cover sea level rise inundation, uncertainty, flood frequency, marsh impacts, and socioeconomics.


Aquaculture non-gov narrative image

Louisiana aquaculture publications and resources.

Aquaculture Coordination

NOAA's Office of Aquaculture, part of the National Marine Fisheries Service, fosters sustainable aquaculture that will create employment and business opportunities in coastal communities; provide safe, sustainable seafood; and complement NOAA's comprehensive strategy for maintaining healthy and productive marine populations, species, and ecosystems and vibrant coastal communities. In the southeast, marine aquaculture focuses on stock enhancement, food production, research, and restoration efforts. Species cultured in the region include oysters, clams, red drum, spotted seatrout, flounder, snook, pompano, black seabass, and algae.

Artificial Reefs

A discussion of the pros and cons of artificial reefs effect on ecosystems.

Economic Data Collection for Gulf of Mexico & South Atlantic Shrimp Fisheries

The Annual Economic Survey of Federal Gulf and Atlantic Shrimp Permit Holders collects data about operating expenses and costs of owning and maintaining shrimp vessels.

Fisheries Management

The Sustainable Fisheries Division in the Southeast Regional Office is responsible for conserving and managing marine fishery resources in federal waters from North Carolina through Texas, including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands with the goal of increasing long-term economic and social benefits to the nation from living marine resources. The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act) authorizes NOAA Fisheries to manage the nation������s fisheries based on science. NOAA Fisheries in the southeast works with three fishery management councils; the Gulf of Mexico, the South Atlantic, and the Caribbean Councils to accomplish this goal.

Louisiana Coastal Ports non-gov narrative image

Provides information on Louisiana's six deep-water ports and 21 inland ports.

Louisiana Oystermen. . .Surviving in a Troubled Fishery non-gov narrative image

An economic overview of the oyster industry in Louisiana. Published May 2000.

Louisiana Shrimp Fishermen and Local Economies non-gov narrative image

An economic overview of the shrimp industries and ties to local communities in Louisiana. Published January 1997.

NOAA Seafood Inspection

The NOAA Seafood Inspection Program provides inspection services for fish, shellfish, and fishery products to the industry. The NOAA Seafood Inspection Program offers a variety of professional inspection services which assure compliance with all applicable food regulations. The NOAA Seafood Inspection Program has offices in headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland and in three regions: Northeast, Southeast, and Western. The headquarters office is responsible for program management and quality assurance. The regional offices are responsible for conducting inspection services and are the primary contact for clients wishing to contract for services.


Louisiana oyster research non-gov narrative image, education non-gov narrative image and outreach, including links to the Grand Isle Oyster Hatchery.

Tourism, Marine Recreation and Sport Fishing

An explanation of the role that coral reefs play in the economies of countries all around the world.

Tourism and Travel in Louisiana non-gov narrative image

A web-based data archive provided by Louisiana Sea Grant and the Louisiana Offices of Tourism, Culture, Recreation and Tourism to make research information easily available on topics of economic impacts reports, demographic projections, industry trends and links to various tourism research web sites.

Resource Valuation

Please check back for updates.


Federal Fishing Permits

The Constituency Services Branch of the National Marine Fisheries Service Southeast Regional Office manages the Southeast Regional Office������s vessel/dealer permit programs. They prepare applications and instructions for federal fishing permits. Processors also answer questions from current and prospective permit holders via a toll free public hotline.

Gulf of Mexico at a Glance

A Second Glance is an accessible reference to support regional decision-making and communications about the importance of healthy Gulf coastal ecosystems to a robust national economy, a safe population, and a high quality of life. It helps to better define the regional context in which state, local, and federal partners work together to better manage the Gulf's coastal natural resources.

Socio-economic and Legal Issues non-gov narrative image

Louisiana Coastal Law newsletters and publications from Louisiana Sea Grant Law and Policy Program.

Education & Outreach


Information about the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary research vessel and how it is used as a regional research asset.