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NOAA Administrator Dr. Jane Lubchenco with award winner

Excellence in Restoration

The NOAA Restoration Center established this award to recognize individuals and organizations that stand out as leaders in coastal restoration across the United States. Nominees are selected based on their collaborative efforts with NOAA and partners, the level of support the nominee cultivated within the community, and the ecological significance of the restoration project.

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Dr. Nancy Foster Habitat Conservation Award

Established by NOAA Fisheries Office of Habitat Conservation in recognition of Dr. Foster’s 23 years of outstanding service to NOAA, this award honors a commitment of excellence in service to habitat conservation in the marine environment.

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National Wetlands Awards

Administered by the Environmental Law Institute and sponsored by NOAA Fisheries and other federal agencies, the National Wetlands Awards Program celebrates individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary dedication, innovation, or excellence in wetlands conservation. Awards are offered in six categories: conservation and restoration; education and outreach; landowner stewardship; science research; state, tribal, and local program development; and wetland community leader.

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National Fish Habitat Awards

Established in 2008, the National Fish Habitat Awards honor exceptional individuals or entities who have demonstrated extraordinary dedication, innovation, or excellence in aquatic resource conservation. Awards will be presented at the Jim Range National Casting Call event in Washington DC in April 2011.

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Environmental Heroes

Since 1995 NOAA has recognized individuals and organizations throughout the United States for their tireless efforts to preserve and protect the nation's environment. Given to observe and celebrate Earth Day, the award honors NOAA volunteers involved in a wide variety of environmental activities who set a shining example for others to follow.

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