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General Questions About the SRCC:
1) What does the SRCC do?
We collect, archive and analyze climate data (observations of past weather) and convert data observations to data products having increased value. Data are collected from Internet data channels and from a locally operated NOAAport satellite receiving system. Collected data from these sources are merged, stored, quality controlled, and converted to value-added products. These products are them made available to public and private clientele.

2) What area of the United States do you service?
We are responsible for the southern United States that includes Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas.

3) How many Regional Climate Centers are there?
The SRCC is one of six Regional Climate Centers. The other five are located in: Reno, NV, Lincoln, NE, Champaign, IL, Chapel Hill, NC, and Ithaca, NY.

4) I cannot find the information that I need on your website. How can I obtain the information that I need?
We cannot offer all of the information required for every need on our website. If you cannot find the information you are looking for please contact our User Services Climatologist for consultation and information delivery. Contact information is available in our website.

5) I would like to arrange for a SRCC Climatologist to speak at my K-12 school. Is this a practice in which you normally participate?
Our Climatologists are happy to speak at your school. Please note that we typically provide this service for the Baton Rouge area only. We do ask that you attempt to schedule a talk at least two weeks in advance.

Questions About Data and Data Service:
1) How do I request data from the SRCC?
Our office hours are from 8:00 - 5:00 (Central Time) Monday through Friday. You can call or FAX us using the numbers listed on our Contact Information page. We have a voice mail system that is available 24-hours a day. Please leave us your name, telephone number (with area code), and details concerning your data request such as the date, city and state, and the weather data you are interested in (hourly, daily, monthly, temperatures, precipitation, wind speed, etc.).

2) I need climate data on a monthly basis but I don’t want to have to call and order it each month. Is there way to obtain data on a regular basis?
Yes. The SRCC maintains an on-line data access system called CLIMOD. It is a subscription-based service that gives users access to a large variety and quantity of climate data. If your regular data needs can be met by a CLIMOD subscription, this may be the most cost-effective way to obtain your data. Contact our Service Climatologist to discuss your needs. If you have data needs that cannot be met by a subscription to CLIMOD, our Service Climatologist will work with you to determine the best means to provide you the data you require.

3) I am not comfortable with using CLIMOD, is there another way in which I can receive my data on a regular basis?
Yes. Many of our customers have data subscriptions. Subscriptions are set up by our service climatologist. We can arrange to have your data sent to you by fax, or in digital form via email.

4) I want the daily rainfall for a location. Can I just call the observer and get the data?
The observers in the U.S. Cooperative Network are volunteers. We do not provide the names, addresses, or phone numbers of observers. In fact, their identity is protected through formal agreements with the National Weather Service. Many observers report their observations each day(near real-time), and these data are available from the SRCC or from the National Weather Service. However, near real-time data are subjected to a lower-level of quality control than is applied by the National Climatic Data Center. Near real-time climate data are, therefore, considered to be provisional data. Observers send their information to the local National Weather Service office once each month. All data are then sent to the National Climatic Data Center where higher level quality control routines are applied.

5) What is the difference between hourly data, daily data, and monthly data?
Hourly data are the values observed each hour, usually at airport stations. Hourly values typically include temperature, dew point temperature, wet-bulb temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, barometric pressure, and wind speed and direction. Daily data refers to values that represent the character of the weather for a particular day. These usually include maximum temperature, minimum temperature, mean temperature, and total precipitation, but may include other values, such as snowfall. Monthly data refer to values that represent the character of the climate for a specific month and are typically averages or sums of daily and/or hourly data. Monthly data may include average maximum and minimum temperatures, average mean temperature, total precipitation, and total snowfall. Daily and monthly values are available for most airport stations as well as cooperative observer stations.

6) Do you provide sunrise and sunset data? Do you also provide information on the phases of the moon?
Yes, we can. However, these data are available from the U.S. Naval Observatory, the official source for these data. They provide this information for free on their web site.

7) I require climate data for a location outside your six-state service region. Can I obtain this data from the SRCC?
In most cases, the SRCC can provide you with data outside our service region. Please check your request with our service climatologist.

8) I called in a data request and I left a message on your answering machine. What is your return policy on phone messages?
Whether you contact us by phone, fax, or email, our policy is that we will make every effort to contact you within one business day.

9) How much will my data request cost?
The cost of data requests varies based on the the type and quantity of the data requested. A listing of fees is located on our website under Full Service Pricing.

10) Why is there a fee associated with my data request?
The SRCC is a non-profit organization. The fee associated with your request goes toward recovering overhead costs for providing data services.

Questions About Research:
1) Does the SRCC conduct scientific research?
Yes. Research projects are primarily aimed at producing new climate information used to enhance climate service activities. The SRCC staff works with developers at other Regional Climate Centers to develop internet-based data collection and distribution systems. Research objectives include the characterization of extreme climate events, relationships between atmospheric circulation patterns and regional climate, and response strategies for hurricanes and tropical storms. The SRCC has also developed a system (Datzilla) to report and track errors in national data archives and data delivery systems that contribute to the health of the national climate data network.

2) I am a scientist in a discipline other than climatology. Are researchers from the SRCC willing to collaborate on inter-disciplnary projects?
Yes. The SRCC welcomes research collaboration requests. Please note that our ability to collaborate may be limited by the availability of our research staff.

3) Who conducts research at the SRCC?
The research desk at the SRCC is primarily managed by the Regional Climatologist and by the SRCC Director.