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Welcome to NOAA Fisheries Forms Portal

In keeping with our commitment to public service, NOAA Fisheries is now offering users of our products the ease and convenience of web access for many of our permits and forms. This web page provides electronic versions of many NOAA Fisheries forms, listed for each geographic area by both OMB number and NOAA form name. You may search for keywords in the forms title, and OMB number, or scroll down by area.

Please note that the forms are in one of several different formats. Some are web-based applications in which the form information is entered directly into a database application. Adobe Acrobat format (.pdf) forms may be filled in using the Adobe Acrobat Reader that can be downloaded for free ( Download Adobe Acrobat Reader EXIT)  and faxed and/or mailed to NOAA Fisheries at the address specified on the forms or the related instructions. WordPerfect (.wpd) and Microsoft Word files (.doc) can be filled in online and faxed, mailed and/or emailed to the specified address.

NOAA Fisheries has endeavored to post all forms that are practicable for filling in online. Some forms that are not suitable for filling in online, such as catch logbooks, which are multi-part forms that must be carried onboard fishing vessels, are not posted.

  * 0648-0012 Fisheries Finance Program Requirements
   Fisheries Finance Program (FFP) Loan Application Form (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (7/31/2018)

  * 0648-0040 Highly Migratory Species Dealer Reporting Family of Forms
  CCSBT Southern Bluefin Tuna Re-Export Certificate (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (7/31/2018)

  CCSBT Southern Bluefin Tuna Statistical Document (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (7/31/2018)

  IATTC Bigeye Tuna Re-Export Certificate (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (7/31/2018)

  IATTC Bigeye Tuna Statistical Document (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (7/31/2018)

  United States Bluefin Tuna Catch Document(.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (7/31/2108)

  Bi-Weekly_Atlantic_Bluefin_Tuna_Dealer Landings & Trade Report (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (7/31/2018)

  HMS Trade Bi-Weekly Dealer Report (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (7/31/2018)

  ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Re-Export Certificate (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (7/31/2018)

  ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Statistical Document (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (7/31/2018)

  ICCAT Swordfish Re-Export Certificate (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (7/31/2018)

  ICCAT Swordfish Statistical Document (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (7/31/2018)

  ICCAT Bluefin Tuna Re-Export Certificate (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (7/31/2018)

   Dealer Report for Large, Medium and Giant Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (.pdf)  
  * 0648-0041 Capital Construction Fund - Deposit and Withdrawal Report
  Capital Construction Fund - Deposit and Withdrawal Report (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (3/31/2019)

  Fishing Vessel Capital Construction Fund Application (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (3/31/2019)

  * 0648-0075 Foreign Fishing Reporting Requirements
  Daily Fishing Log (.pdf) Instructions

E-mail Contact (6/30/2017)

  Daily Joint Venture Log Section One - EFFORT (.pdf) Instructions
  Daily Joint Venture Log Section two - CATCH (.pdf) Instructions


  Daily Joint Venture Log Section three - PRODUCTION (.pdf) Instructions
  Daily Consolidated Log (.pdf) Instructions
  Weekly Catch Report (.pdf) Instructions
  Weekly Joint Venture Receipts Report (.pdf) Instructions
  Weekly Marine Mammal Report(.pdf) Instructions
  Fishing Vessel Identification Forms(VIF's) for Foreign Fishing Permits (MSFCMA) (.pdf)   E-mail Contact (6/30/2017)  
  Internal Waters Receipts Report (.pdf)   E-mail Contact (6/30/2017)
  * 0648-0082 Fishermen's Contingency Fund
  Fishermen's Contingency Fund Claim Application (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact 2/28/2018

  Fishermen's Contingency Fund 15-day report (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact 2/28/2018

  * 0648-0178 Marine Mammal Stranding Report/Marine Mammal Rehabilitation Disposition Report
  Marine Mammal Stranding Report—level 1 (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact 10/31/2017

Marine Mammal Rehabilitation Disposition Report(.pdf)
  E-mail Contact 10/31/2017
  * 0648-0192 Statement of Financial Interests
  Statement of Financial Interest (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact 3/31/2017

  * 0648-0194 Antarctic Marine Living Marine Resources Conservation and Management Measures
  Report Form for Catch Documents Accompanying Fresh, Air-shipped Shipments of Toothfish Instructions
  Application for Dealer Permit to Import and/or Re-Export Antarctic Marine Living Resources(AMLR) (.pdf) Instructions
  Application for Pre-Approval of Catch Documents of Toothfish (.pdf) Instructions
   Dissostichus Re-Export Document (.pdf)  
   Antarctic Marine Living Resources Import Ticket Application (.pdf)  
  * 0648-0216 Billfish Certificate of Eligibility
  Atlantic Billfish Certificate of Eligibility (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact 1/31/2016)

  * 0648-0228 U.S. Fishermen Fishing in Russian Waters
  Vessel Permit Abstract Report (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact 10/31/2018)

  * 0648-0230 Permits for Incidental Taking of Endangered or Threatened Species
  Incidental Take of Listed Species (.pdf)  
  Incidental Take Permit Program for Sea Turtles (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (6/30/2018)

  * 0648-0292 Reporting Requirements for Commercial Fisheries under Section 118 of the Marine Mammal Protection Act
  Marine Mammal Authorization Program Mortality/Injury Reporting form and instructions (.online)  
  * 0648-0293 Application for Commercial Fisheries Exemption under Section 188 of the Marine Mammal Protection Act
  Marine Mammal Authorization Program Registration form (.pdf) Instructions
  * 0648-0304 High Seas Fishing Permit Application Information
  High Seas Fishing Permit Application (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (10/31/2018)

  * 0648-0311 Report of Whaling Operations
   Report of Whaling Operations Reporting (.doc)  

E-mail Contact (8/31/2018)

  * 0648-0314 Designation of Fishery Management Council Members and Application for Reinstatement of State Authority
  Certification of Status (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (3/31/2019)

  Categories of Personal Fisheries Experience- Caribbean Fishery Management Council (CFMC) (.pdf)  
  Categories of Personal Fisheries Experience- Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council (GMFMC) (.pdf)  
  Categories of Personal Fisheries Experience-Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) (.pdf)  
   Categories of Personal Fisheries Experience- New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC) (.pdf)  
   Categories of Personal Fisheries Experience- North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) (.pdf)  
   Categories of Personal Fisheries Experience- Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) (.pdf)  
  Categories of Personal Fisheries Experience- Pacific Fishery Management Council (Tribal Nominees) (.pdf)  
  Categories of Personal Fisheries Experience- South Atlantic Fishery Management Council (SAFMC) (.pdf)  
  Categories of Personal Fisheries Experience- Western Pacific Fishery Management Council (WPFMC) (.pdf)  
  * 0648-0323 Highly Migratory Species Tournament Reporting
  Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Tournament Registration (.pdf)  
  Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Atlantic Billfish Tournament Summary Report (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact 3/31/2019)

  Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Tournament Summary Report (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (3/31/2019)

  * 0648-0327 Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Vessel Permits
  Atlantic Tunas and Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Permit Application (.pdf)  
  Highly Migratory Species International Trade Permit (.pdf)  
  * 0648-0328 Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Mandatory Catch Reporting
  Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Mandatory Catch Report (.asp)  

E-mail Contact 4/30/2016)

  * 0648-0335 Fisheries Certificate of Origin form
  Fisheries Certificate of Origin form and instructions(.pdf)  
  * 0648-0338 Recovery and Implantation of Archival Tags
    635.33 Archival Tags Instructions 1 (.pdf)
    635.33 Archival Tags Instructions 2 (.pdf)

E-mail Contact (10/31/2018)

  * 0648-0372 Vessel Monitoring System for Atlantic Highly Migratory Species
  Vessel Monitoring System for Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Reimbursement Form (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (11/30/2016)

  Vessel Monitoring System Certification Statement for the Highly Migratory Species Shark Fisheries (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (11/30/2016)

  * 0648-0402 Application Instruction for a Permit for Scientific Purposes or to Enhance the Propagation or Survival of Threatened or Endangered Species
  Scientific research/enhancement (.doc)  

E-mail Contact (8/31/2018)

  * 0648-0471 Highly Migratory Species Scientific Research Permits, Exempted Fishing Permits, and Letters of Authorization
   Highly Migratory Species EFP, SRP and Display Permit ANNUAL Report (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact  (12/31/2017)

   Highly Migratory Species EFP, SRP and Display Permit INTERIM Report (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (12/31/2017)

   Federal HMS Exempted Fishing Permit Requirements and Application (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (12/31/2017)

  * 0648-0472 NOAA Community-based Restoration Program Progress Reports
  NOAA Restoration Center Community-based Restoration Program (CRP) (.doc)  

E-mail Contact (10/31/2018)

  * 0648-0479 Estuary Restoration Act Database Projects
   NOAA National Estuaries Restoration Inventory - Inventory Fields (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (8/31/2016)

  * 0648-0497 National Resource Damage Assessment Restoration Project Information
   National Resource Damage Assessment Restoration Project Information Sheet (.pdf)  

E-mail Contact (1/31/2017)

* 0648-0202Northeast Region Federal Permit Family of Forms
Vessel Monitoring System Power Down Exemption Request (.pdf) 
Northeast Region Federal Fisheries Initial Vessel Permit Application (.pdf) 
Initial Application for a Northeast Commercial Vessel Operator Permit (.pdf) 
Northeast Region Federal Fisheries Initial Dealer Permit Application (.pdf) 
American Lobster Trap Tag Order Form and instructions (.pdf) 
Application for Vessel Replacement, Upgrade, and Confirmation of Permit History (.pdf) 
Limited Access Multispecies or Monkfish permitted vessels using gillnet gear (.pdf) 
Limited Access Multispecies or Monkfish permitted vessels missing and additional gillnet tag order form (.pdf) 
Sea Scallop Vessel Ownership Form (.pdf) 
Exempted Fishing Permits, Letters of Acknowledgement, and Scientific Research Permits (.pdf) 
Application to Permanently Transfer NE Multispecies Days-At-Sea (DAS) (.pdf) 
* 0648-0229Northeast Region Dealer Purchases Family of Forms
Southern Species Version (.pdf) 
Northern Species Version (.pdf) 
Standard Atlantic Fisheries Information System (SAFIS) 
* 0648-0240Surf Clam/Ocean Quahog Transfer Log
Request for Atlantic Surfclam or Ocean Quahog ITQ Allocation or Cage Tag Transfer (.pdf 
Application to Shuck Surfclam or Ocean Quahog at Sea(.pdf) 
* 0648-0475Northeast Multi-species Days-at-Sea Leasing Program

Application To Lease NE Multispecies Days_At_Sea (DAS) (.pdf)

* 0648-0491Atlantic Sea Scallop Access Area Program
Request for One-For-One Exchange of Sea Scallop Access Area Trip (.pdf) 
Broken Trip Adjustment Sheet (.pdf) 
Sea Scallop Access Area Compensation Trip Declaration Form (.pdf) 
* 0648-0546Northeast Region Observer Providers Requirements
Northeast Fisheries Observer Program Incident Form Instructions(.pdf) 
Industry Scallop Call-in Guide (.pdf) 
Safety Deficiency NotificationForm (.pdf) 
* 0648-0013 Southeast Region Dealer and Interview Family of Forms
Dealer Reporting for Highly Migratory Species Form (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Red Snapper Quota Monitoring Form (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Weekly Vessel Report for Runaround Gillnet Caught King Mackerel Form (.pdf)  
Dealer Report of King Mackerel Landings From Runaround Gillnet Fishing Form (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Monthly Dealer Reporting for Quota Monitoring Form (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Monthly Dealer Report of King and Spanish Mackerel Landings Form (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Southeast Region Dealer Quota Monitoring Form (.pdf)  
 Weekly Dealer Report of Spanish Mackerel Landings Form (.pdf)  
* 0648-0016 Southeast Region Logbook Family of Forms
2003 Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Trip Summary Form(.pdf)  Instructions (.pdf)
2003 Logbook Trip Report w/ Expense Form-Green(.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
2003 Logbook Trip Report Form-Red (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
2003 Highly Migratory Species Logbook Set Form (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
2002- 2003 Supplemental Discard Report Form (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
* 0648-0205 Southeast Region Federal Fisheries Family of Forms
Federal Permit Application for Vessels in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) (.pdf)  
Income Qualification Affidavit (.pdf)  
Federal Permit Application for Dealers - Form and instructions (.pdf)  
Federal Permit Application for Southeast Region Issued Operator Card (.pdf)  
Application for Duplicate Federal Fishery Permits Operator Card or Decal (.pdf)  
Federal Permit Application to Harvest Aquacultured Live Rock in the EEZ Form and Instructions (.pdf)  
Aquacultured Live Rock Report (.pdf)  
Aquaculture Site Evaluation Report in the EEZ Form and Instructions (.pdf)  
Federal Permit Application for Vessels Fishing for Wreckfish Off the South Atlantic States Form and Instructions (.pdf)  
Federal Permit/Certificate Application to Fish in Columbian Treaty Waters(.pdf)  
Change of Address for Fishery Permit Holders (.pdf)  
International Trade Permit (.pdf)  
High Seas Fishing Compliance Act(.pdf)  
Request of Catch History from the NOAA Fisheries Southeast Logbook Program(.pdf)  
Reef Fish Consolidation Form (.pdf)  
* 0648-0544 Southeast Region Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and Related Requirements
Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) Installation and Activation Certification For the Reef Fish Fishery of the Gulf of Mexico (.pdf)  
* 0648-0020 Pacific Billfish Angler Survey
Pacific-Indian Ocean International Billfish Angling Survey (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
* 0648-0148 Pacific Tuna Fisheries
Seiner Fishing Record and Bridge Log (.pdf)  
* 0648-0463 Pacific Islands Region Coral Reef Ecosystems Permit
Special Coral Reef Ecosystem Fishing Permit Application Form (.pdf)  
* 0648-0593 NMFS Observer Programs' Information That Can Be Gathered Only Through Questions
Northeast Fisheries Observer Program Incident Report Instructions (.pdf)  
* 0648-0203Northwest Region Federal Fisheries Permits
Change of Vessel Registration or Permit Owner/Holder Application (.pdf) 
Identification of Ownership Interest West Coast Groundfish Limited Entry Permit (.pdf) 
Pacific Islands
* 0648-0204 Southwest Region Permit Family of Forms
Coastal Pelagics Fishing permit Application (.pdf)  
* 0648-0218 South Pacific Tuna Act
Treaty on Fisheries Between the Governments of Certain Pacific Island States and the Government of the United States of America License Application Form (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
* 0648-0206

Alaska Region Permit Family of Forms
Exempted Fisheries Permits Instructions Instructions (.htm)
Federal Fisheries Permit (FFP) Permit Application (.pdf)  
Federal Processor Permit (FPP) Permit Application (.pdf)  
* 0648-0213

Alaska Region Logbook Family of Forms
Catcher Vessel Longline or Pot Gear DFL (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Catcher Vessel Trawl Gear DFL (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Catcher/Processor Trawl Gear DCPL (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Catcher/Processor Longline or Pot Gear DCPL (.pdf) Instructions (.pdf)
Check-in/out, Shoreside processor (.pdf)  
Product Transfer Report (.pdf)  
U.S. Vessel Activity Report (.pdf)  
* 0648-0269 Western Alaska Community Development Quota Program
CDQ or PSQ Transfer Request and Instructions (.pdf)  
Application For Approval Of Use OF Non-CDQ Harvest Regulations(.pdf)  
* 0648-0272 Individual Fishing Quotas for Pacific Halibut and Sablefish in the Alaska Fisheries
Quota Share Holder: Identification of Ownership Interest Form and Instructions  
IFQ/CDQ Hired Master Permit Application and Instructions (.pdf)  
Registered Buyer Permit Application (.pdf)  
Manual IFQ/CDQ Landings Report(.pdf)  
Online IFQ/CDQ Landings Report(.po)  
QS/IFQ Beneficiary Designation Form (.pdf)  
Application for Transfer of QS/IFQ or From a Community Quota Entity (CQE) Application and Instructions(.pdf)  
Application for Transfer of QS/IFQ by Self Sweep-Up (.pdf)  
Application for Eligibility To Receive QS/IFQ (.pdf)  
Application for Replacement of certificates, permits, or cards (.pdf)  
QS/IFQ Transfer Application and Instructions  
Application for Non-Profit Corporation to be Designated as a Community Quota Entity (CQE)(.pdf)  
Application for Temporary Military Transfer (TMT) of IFQ(.pdf)  
Application for Emergency Medical Transfer(EMT) of IFQ (.pdf)  
* 0648-0316 Prohibited Species Donation Program
Prohibited Species Donation (.pdf)  
* 0648-0330 NMFS Alaska Region Scale & Catch Weighing Requirements
Inspection Request Form (.pdf)  
Record of Daily Automatic Hopper Scale Tests (.pdf)  
Record of Daily Flow Scale Tests (.xls)  
Record of Daily Flow Scale Tests (.pdf)  
Notification of Selected  Monitoring Option: PDF  
Crab Catch_Monitoring Plan (CMP) (.pdf)  
* 0648-0334 Alaska License Limitation Program for Groundfish, Crabs and Scallops
Application for Transfer of Scallop License (.pdf)  
Application for Transfer, LLP Groundfish/Crab License (.pdf)  
Community Quota Entity (CQE) to Receive a Non-trawl Groundfish LLP License(.pdf)  
* 0648-0393 American Fisheries Act:  Vessel and Processor Permit Applications
AFA Inshore Vessel Contract Fishing Notification (.pdf)  
AFA Inshore Cooperative Permit (.pdf)  
AFA Replacement Vessel Permit (.pdf)  
Application for Approval as an Entity to Receive Transferable Chinook Salmon Prohibited Species Catch (PSC) Allocation (.pdf)  
Application for an Incentive Plan Agreement (IPA) and List of IPA participants (.pdf)  
Application for Transfer of Bering Sea Chinook Salmon Prohibited Species Catch (PSC) Allocations (.pdf)  
Groundfish/Halibut CDQ and Prohibited Species Quota (PSQ) Transfer Request(.pdf)  
* 0648-0398 Alaska Individual Fishing Quota Cost Recovery Program Requirements
IFQ fees submission form (.pdf)  
IFQ fees and online data entry screen (.po)  
Registered Buyer Ex-Vessel Volume Value Report (.pdf)  
Registered Buyer data entry screen(.pdf)  
* 0648-0428 Commercial Operator's Annual Report (COAR)
Commercial Operator's Annual Report (COAR) Instructions (.pdf)
* 0648-0445 NMFS Alaska Region Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) Program
VMS Check-In Report (.pdf)  
* 0648-0512 Alaska Pacific Halibut Fisheries: Subsistence
Community, Ceremonial, Educational Harvest Permit: Fillable (.pdf)  
Subsistence Halibut Ceremonial or  Educational Permit Harvest (CPEP) Log (.pdf)  
Subsistence Halibut Community Harvest Permit (CHP) Log (.pdf)  
* 0648-0514 Alaska Region BSAI Crab Permits
Application for Transfer(Lease) of Crab IFQ:Fillable (.pdf)  
Transfer of Crab QS (.pdf)  
Transfer of Crab PQS (.pdf)  
Application for Crab Harvesting Cooperative Individual Fishing Quota Permit and Instructions (.pdf)  
Application for Registered Crab Receiver (RCR) Permit and Instructions (.pdf)  
Application for BSAI Crab Hired Master (Skipper) Permit and Instructions (.pdf)  
Application for a Federal Crab Vessel Permit and Instructions (.pdf)  
Application for BSAI Crab Eligibility to Receive QS/PQS or IFQ/IPQ by Transfer and Instructions (.pdf)  
Annual Crab (Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) Permit(.pdf)  
Annual Crab (Individual Processing Quota (IPQ) Permit(.pdf)    
Converted Catcher Processor Owner (CPO) Quota Share and CPO IFQ(.pdf)  
Annual RCR Ex-Vessel Volume and Value Report (.pdf)  
Crab Inter-Cooperative IFQ Transfer:Fillable  
Application to become an Eligible Crab Community Organization (ECCO)(.pdf)  
648-0515 Alaska Interagency Electronic Reporting System
Interagency Electronic Reporting System (IERS) Processor Registration (.po)  
Landing Data Report Login (.po)  
Production Data Report Login (.po)  
Shoreside Processor Out-Of-State Landing Report (.pdf)  
Catcher/Processor Trawl Gear eLogbook(.po)  
* 0648-0518 Alaska Region Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands(BSAI)Crab Economic Data Reports (EDR)
Catcher Vessel Crab EDR:Fillable(.pdf)  
Catcher Processor Vessel Crab EDR:Fillable(.pdf)  
Shoreside Processor Crab EDR:Fillable (.pdf)  
* 0648-0545 Alaska Rockfish Pilot Program
Rockfish Cooperative Check-in/Check-out  and Termination of Fishing Report (.pdf)  
Application for Inter-Cooperative Transfer of Rockfish CQ (.pdf)  
ROCKFISH PROGRAM Ex-vessel Volume and Value Report (.pdf)  
* 0648-0564 Groundfish Trawl Catcher/Processor Economics Data Report (EDR)
Economic Data Report (EDR) Form  
* 0648-0565 Alaska Region Amendment 80 Permits and Reports
Application to Transfer Amendment 80 Quota Share (QS(.pdf)   E-mail Contact (3/31/2019
Application for Inter-Cooperative Transfer Amendment 80 Cooperative Quota (CQ)(.pdf)   E-mail Contact (3/31/2019
Application to  Amendment 80 Quota Share (QS(.pdf)   E-mail Contact (3/31/2019
Application For  Amendment 80 Limited Access Fishery(.pdf)   E-mail Contact (3/31/2019
Application For  Amendment 80 Cooperative and CQ Permit Issurance (.pdf)   E-mail Contact (3/31/2019
Economic Data Report (EDR) Form (.po)  
Flatfish Exchange Application (.pdf)  
Application for Amendment 80 Vessel Replacement(.pdf)  
* 0648-0575 Alaska Pacific Halibut Fisheries: Charter Recordkeeping
Alaska Department of Fish and Game Saltwater Trip Logbook Instructions (.pdf)
* 0648-0592 Alaska Pacific Halibut Fisheries: Charter Permits
Application for Community  Charter Halibut Permit (.pdf)  
Application for a Community  Military Charter Halibut Permit (.pdf)  
Application for Military Charter Halibut Permit  (.pdf)  
Application for Transfer of a Charter Halibut Permit (CHP)  (.pdf)   E-mail Contact (3/31/2018)
Guided Angler Fish Permit Log(.pdf)   E-mail Contact (3/31/2018)
Transfer (Lease) Between Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) and Guided Angler Fish (GAF)(.pdf)   E-mail Contact (3/31/2018)
Transfer (Lease) Between Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) and Guided Angler Fish (GAF) Community Quota Entity (.pdf)   E-mail Contact (1/31/2019)
* 0648-0633 Chinook Salmon Economic Data Report (Chinook Salmon EDR)
Chinook Salmon Economic Data Report (EDR) Form (.pdf)  
* 0648-0711 Alaska Quota Cost Recovery Program ( ACRP)
Cost Recovery or Observer Fee Payment .po)  
IFQ Permit Holder Fee Submission (.pdf)   E-mail Contact (1/31/2019)