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1225 W. Dayton Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53706
Phone: (608) 262-2828
Fax: (608) 262-0166
Email: aos@aos.wisc.edu
Chair: Jonathan Martin

Do you have an event or story that you'd like to see highlighted on the UW-AOS web site? Please contact
web at aos.wisc.edu


Thank you very much for visiting our site, and a warm welcome from our department! Over the last 60 years, we have grown into one of the leading departments in our field of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. We have strong graduate and undergraduate programs which are nationally recognized. We pursue research with a combination of theory, modeling, and diagnostic studies. We support this work with a foundation of first-year graduate core courses, and an appealing range of electives for both graduate and undergraduate students. (more...)

UW-AOS Graduate Dr. Louis Uccellini selected as next director of the National Weather Service

Congratulations to AOS Alumnus Dr. Louis Uccellini on his selection as the next director of the National Weather Service. Uccellini received his Bachelor of Science (1971), Master (1972), and Ph.D. (1977) degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Here's a link to the NOAA News announcement.

Professor Desai's time management strategies

The University of Wisconsin-Madison news feed featured a story about Professor Desai's Time Management strategies talk from the AOS Wednesday Department Seminar series last fall. You can find the story here.

AOS Fall 2012 Newsletter

The AOS Fall 2012 Newsletter (PDF) is now available. Alumni, look for yours in the mail in the coming days, or grab an electronic copy here!

Prof. Grant Petty one of the Top 5 winners in the NASA/GPS Extreme Weather Photo Competition

Grant Petty's photograph of a thunderstorm was one of the top five photographs chosen by NASA's Global Precipitation Measurement Photo Competition Committee. To see Grant's photo, and the other four: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/GPM/news/gpm-photo-contest-winners.html
Congratulations Grant!

AOS Graduate Student, Shellie Rowe, Selected as L&S Teaching Fellow

At the beginning of the Fall Semester 2012, the College of Letters and Sciences held its 23rd annual training and orientation workshop for L&S teaching Assistants. Typically some 400 new and experienced L&S teaching assistants attend all or part of the day of workshops. Shellie Rowe gave two well-attended presentations and led discussions on the topic "Resolving Student Challenges" and "Questions: Models of Effective Communication in a Variety of Teaching Scenarios". Selection as an L&S Teaching Fellow is a significant honor, because this is a competitive nomination within departments and then at the College level. Previous Teaching Fellows from AOS include Alan Czarnetzki (1991) and John Knox (1995).

Tracey Holloway is a Recipient of the US Clean Energy Education and Empowerment (C3E) Women's Initiative Award

Associate Professor Holloway (Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, and Civil and Environmental Engineering) is the recipient of the first ever C3E Award for education and mentoring in clean energy. This is sponsored by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Energy Initiative.
Congratulations Tracey!
Press release
For more information about the Award and C3E

Northwoods partnership benefits today’s climate research and tomorrow’s scientists

News article from the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies features Prof. Ankur Desai's course "Forest and Climate Leaders in Menominee and the Envrionment (For-CLIMATE).
Go Here to learn about the course.

And Here to read the news article.


Suzanne Wetzel Seemann
August 9, 1972 - September 27, 2012

Suzanne Wetzel Seeman

Suzanne (Suzie) Wetzel Seemann died Thursday September 27, 2012 in a motor vehicle collision in Humboldt County, CA during a morning run with friends. Suzanne was a graduate student in our department from 1997 until 2000 at which time she took a position of Associate Researcher in the Cooperative Institute for Satellite Studies until 2006 when she and her husband Hank and son Malcolm moved to California. Two years later the three of them welcomed daughter Evelyn into their loving family. Suzanne's graduate work has had a lasting impact on operational forecasting of winter storms as she developed an ingredients-based methodology for forecasting winter season precipitation used by many National Weather Service Forecast Offices in snowfall prediction. Her work at CIMSS was equally high profile and characteristic of her intense focus and ability to see to the heart of problems.

Suzanne's engaging sense of humor, passion for all manner of outdoor activities and especially her discovery of tennis while in Madison are aspects of her personality that touched all those who were lucky enough to have known her. She will be sorely missed by us all. A complete obituary can be found here.

James A. Weinman, Emeritus Professor, March 10, 1930 - August 3, 2012

James Weinman, 2002

Emeritus Professor James A. Weinman passed away on August 3, 2012 at his home in Seattle, WA. He was with our Department from 1964-1991.
International Precipitation Working Group Obituary

Library Workshop for Graduate Students coming in September

Compiling a Literature Review: Atmospheric Sciences

Sessions will cover the literature search process and are intended for those starting a research project, dissertation, or publication. We'll cover resources, techniques, key databases, and citation managers that are important for effectively searching the literature of the atmospheric sciences and managing results.

Thursday, Sept. 6, 1:30-2:30pm, Rm823, AOSS Bldg.
Tuesday, Sept. 11, Cancelled
Thursday, Sept. 13, 2:30-3:30pm, Rm823, AOSS Bldg.
Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2:30-3:30pm, Rm823, AOSS Bldg.
Thursday, Sept. 20, 11am-12pm, Rm823, AOSS Bldg.

2012 Student Awards

Congratulations to this year's outstanding students!
(View Pictures)

  • Nicole Colasacco-Thumm - Colloquium Student Service Award for creative dedication to the department's intellectual life.
  • Nicholas Ofstun - Horn Award for excellence in overall performance as an undergraduate.
  • John Sears - Lettau Award for outstanding M.S. Thesis.
  • Andre Perkins - Lettau-Wahl Award for excellence in overall performance as an undergraduate.
  • Feiyu Lu - Schwerdtfeger Award for excellent performance in first year graduate studies.
  • Kyle Meier - Sunkel Award for exceptional scholarly potential.
  • Alex Kubicek - Wahl Award for outstanding performance as a Teaching Assistant.

AOS Graduate student Handlos wins AMS award

Zachary Handlos, working with Professor Larissa Back won the American Meteorological Society Max Eaton prize for his work on "Estimating Vertical Motion Profile Shape within Tropical Weather States," presented at the 30th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology. Congratulations Zak!

Prof. Jonathan Martin joins the ranks of the 300 best professors in the nation according to The Princeton Review and RateMyProfessors.com

The Princeton Review joined with RateMyProfessors.com to list the best professors according to thousands of students surveyed across the country. Prof. Martin joins three other UW Professors on the list. (Link to Daily Cardinal Article)
Congratulations Prof. Martin!

Photograph by Prof. Grant Petty a winner in the UW-Madison Cool Science Image Contest

Prof. Petty's stunning photograph of a thunderstorm was one of the 6 winners in the second annual UW-Madison Cool Science Image contest. For more about the contest: http://www.news.wisc.edu/20474
To see all the winners: http://www.news.wisc.edu/slideshows/coolscience2012

The Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies Awarded UW-Madison's First S-Stem Grant from NSF

The Nelson Institute has won a five-year, $600,000 grant to provide scholarships for students which are need-based and include funding for students from underrepresented minority groups, first-generation, veteran, disabled, or returning adult students.
A lot of hard work went into this award by the project contributors, including Tracey Holloway and Jon Martin.
For more information on this story: http://www.news.wisc.edu/20394

Jacola Roman, AOS Graduate Student, Wins 1st Place on Paper Presentation at AMS

Jacola Roman (current Grad Student and former Undergrad) won a first place on her student paper presentation at the AMS 18th Conference on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climatology & AMS First Joint Asia Satellite Meteorology Conference in New Orleans, January 22-27, 2012. Her paper was titled Using Satellite Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) and a Ground-based Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) Network to Validate the Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) in Global Climate Models (GCMs) and Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) Regional Reanalysis.

Congratulations Jacola!

Professor Ackerman named Interim Associate Dean for the Physical Sciences

Steve Ackerman, Professor of atmospheric & oceanic sciences and the director of the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) has been named interim associate dean for the physical sciences. He started with his new post in the UW Graduate School on Jan. 13.
Congratulations Steve!
For more information, http://www.news.wisc.edu/20263

Satellite Renamed to Honor Verner Suomi, UW Satellite Pioneer


(Photo Courtesy of NASA/Ball Aerospace)

NASA has renamed its newest Earth-observing satellite in honor of the late Verner E. Suomi, a professor in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of Wisconsin who is widely recognized as "the father of satellite meteorology". The announcement was made Jan. 24 at the annual meeting of the American Meteorological Society in New Orleans.

For NASA Press Release: http://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2012/jan/HQ_12-026_NPP_Name.html

Professor Martin receives Vilas Distinguished Achievement Award

AOS Department Chair and Professor Jonathan Martin has been awarded the Vilas Distinguished Achievement Award. The award recognizes professors whose distinguished scholarship has advanced the confines of knowledge, and who have demonstrated excellence in teaching and/or service. He will carry the title of Vilas Distinguished Service Professor for the duration of his career at UW-Madison. Congratulations Jon!

AOS Adjunct Professor Recipient of NOAA Award

Dr. Jim Kossin, AOS adjunct professor, will be picking up his NOAA Gold Medal in DC "for excellence in research and data stewardship leading to a more confident assessment of the influence of human-induced climate change on hurricanes".

SSEC's Tim Schmit will also be receiving the NOAA Silver Medal "For revolutionizing NOAA Science Tests for geostationary satellites, significantly reducing the likelihood of a single satellite configuration."

Congratulations Jim and Tim!

Professor Steve Ackerman inducted as Fellow to the Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters

On Sunday, November 6, 2011, Professor Ackerman was inducted as a fellow, along with six other inductees. The Wisconsin Academy of Science , Arts and Letters was founded in 1870 to "bring context, civilized discussion, and meaningful action to the most important issues and ideas of today". The Academy is also featuring Prof. Ackerman in their Member Spotlight. To read more about the induction ceremony, check out Dave Zweifel's column in the Capital Times.

Beyond the Edge of the Sea Exhibit and Reception with artist Karen Jacobson and Dr. Cindy Lee Van Dover, Director Duke University Marine Laboratory

Beyond the Edge of the Sea...will be showing at the Ebling Library for the Health Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from September 28, 2011-January 31, 2012.Beyond the Edge was brought to UW in conjunction with UW-Madison's Geology Museum, with funding provided by the NASA Astrobiology Institute. A reception featuring Dr. Cindy Lee Van Dover and Karen Jacobsen will be held Friday, November 11, 2010 from 3:00-6:00 in the Ebling's 3rd floor galleries. For information contact: Micaela at msullivan@library.wisc.edu.
For more about the exhibit: Link

Professor Desai's Outreach Class Featured by UW Communications Slideshow

Professor Desai, his graduate students, and participants from several Universities and labs conducted a field course, Forest and Climate Leaders in Menominee and the Environment, with Native American students from the College of Menominee Nation in Keshena, WI. The course was made possible with funding from National Science Foundation (NSF), Prof. Desai's Lab, and the Center for Climatic Research (CCR). It was held at both Professor Desai's field sites in Northern Wisconsin and at the UW-Madison Kemp Natural Resources Station in Woodruff, WI. UW Madison Communications featured the course in one of their slide shows:

Professor Liu selected as AMS Fellow

Professor Zhengyu Liu has been selected as a new Fellow of the American Meteorological Society. He and the other new Fellows will be inducted at a ceremony at the AMS Annual Meeting in New Orleans on Sunday, January 22, 2012. Congratulations Professor Liu!

Schwedtfeger Library Photo Contest Winners

The Schwerdtfeger Library annouced the winners to the 2011 Photo Contest. Congratulations to Professor Grant Petty for winning first place, and AOS Graduate students, Dima Smirnov (2nd place) and Matt Sitkowski (3rd place). Visit Photo Contest website to view the winning photos and all of the beautiful entries: http://library.ssec.wisc.edu/photo_Contest/

Rooftop Camera images and movies

The AOSS building hosts three rooftop camera (currently facing west, northwest, and north.) The most recent images and time lapse quicktime movies are now available. Daily sunrise to sunset movies and highlights of particularly interesting phenomena will be coming soon.

Journal of the UW-AOS

This is an unofficial journal of working papers written by undergraduate and graduate students of the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Department at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. These papers are not intended to be used as official references.
Check out their work in the Journal of the UW-AOS


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