Cooperative Institute for Climate & Satellites - Maryland

CICS-MD Staff: Submit your Research

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Data Fusion and Algorithm Development
Calibration and Validation
Surface Observation Networks
Future Satellite Programs
Scientific Support of the GOES-R Mission
Scientific Support of the JPSS Mission
Climate Research, Data Assimilation, and Modeling
Climate Data & Information Records/Scientific Data Stewardship
Land and Hydrology
Earth System Modeling from Satellites
National Climate Assessments
Environmental Decision Support Science
Geographical Sciences
Results: 71 Articles found.

HIRS Calibration: Developing HIRS adjusted spectral response functions (ASRFs) for satellites NOAA 6, 7 and 8

Calibration methods such as double differencing, global mean and SNO are used process radiance data over land/ocean sites and those from GOES 6, to calculate inter-satellite bias for HIRS channel 4,5,7 of NOAA -6, -7,-8 and -9.

Research Topics: Calibration and Validation
Task Leader: Xi Shao
CICS Scientist: Xi Shao
Published Date: 7/22/2014

The Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Sensor Data Record (SDR) Calibration and Validation

CICS Scientist Chunhui Pan has developed new comprehensive data analysis algorithms to evaluate entire sensor orbital performance in accordance to the NASA newly established calibration measurement sequences. The algorithms have been used by me to have performed sensor end-to-end data analysis to evaluate sensor orbital performance and calibration results, as well as to validate SDR products. Sensor anomalies are identified based on my results and solutions were proposed. I presented a comprehensive sensor performance review to the JPSS program in SNPP Products Review on Dec. 19, 2014.

Research Topics: Calibration and Validation
Task Leader: Fred Wu
CICS Scientist: Chunhui Pan
Published Date: 7/22/2014

Science and Management Support for GOES-R ABI Land Surface Temperature Algorithm and Validation

We have developed a new validation tool for GOES-R LST product. It validates the ABI LST split-window retrieval algorithm with SURFRAD ground networks and multiple ABI proxy sensors.

Research Topics: Scientific Support of the GOES-R Mission
Task Leader: Hugo Berbery
CICS Scientist: Peng Yu
Published Date: 7/22/2014

Support for the 6th WMO International Symposium on Data Assimilation

In support of organization and hosting of the prestigious WMO Conference, we have successfully provided the Local Organizing Committee with the necessary access to UMD Conference and Visitor Services that NOAA does not have.

Research Topics: Climate Research, Data Assimilation, and Modeling
Task Leader: Hugo Berbery
CICS Scientist: Kayo Ide
Published Date: 7/18/2014

Student Support for CPC: Interpretation of Real-Time Weather and Climate Data for Spherical Displays

This year, graduate student Katherine Lukens, under the advisement of Dr. E. Hugo Berbery, focused on ascertaining the characteristics and behaviors of seasonal storm over North America for her PhD thesis on “The interconnectivity of extreme precipitation events, storm tracks, and modes of variability via the applications of large-scale global climate dynamics.”

Research Topics: Climate Research, Data Assimilation, and Modeling
Task Leader: Hugo Berbery
CICS Scientist: Katherine Lukens
Sponsor: NWS CPC
Published Date: 7/18/2014
Results: 71 Articles found.
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