the WHITE HOUSEPresident Barack Obama

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Policy Snapshots JSON Feed

Connecting citizen developers with the tools they need to unlock government data.

Policy Snapshots JSON Feed

This JSON feed provides data from the Policy Snapshots feature on Each policy snapshot has two sections: Progress, which gives you a quick overview of the work President Obama has done since taking office, and What's Next, which helps you understand President Obama's plans for continuing the progress underway.

URLs for the Snapshots JSON feed adhere to the following pattern...


As you can see, it accepts two arguments:

  • Type (ex. "whatsnext", "progress", or "all")
  • Category (ex. "economy", "health%20care", or "all")

The valid arguments for Type are...


The valid arguments for Category match tags from the White House Issues taxonomy and currently include...

JSON Category

Examples of valid URLs include...


If the Type or Category argument is missing or invalid, the module will default to "all." For example, the following URL...

JSON Foo Bar

will fail back to....

JSON Failback