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Utility Navigation

Aircraft Operations


NOAA Aircraft Operations Center (AOC)

Driving and shipping address:

7917 Hangar Loop Drive
Hangar 5
MacDill Air Force Base, FL 33621-5401

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 6829
MacDill Air Force Base, FL 33608-0829

General inquiries: Lori Bast (Office: 813-828-4094)

Media inquiries: LT Kevin Doremus (Cell: 774-217-3847)

Commanding Officer: CAPT Michael Silah (Office: 813-828-4094)

Executive Officer: CAPT Carl Newman, NOAA (Ret.) (Office: 813-828-4097)

NOAA Aircraft Scheduler: or (301) 713-7705

AOC Duty Officer: 813-405-7475

MacDill Air Force Base emergency information: 800-435-9941


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Reviewed: September 30, 2016. Contact us with page issues.

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