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SOCD shieldAlexander Ignatov

Satellite Oceanography & Climatology Division

Chief, Ocean Sensors Branch

Recent Publications

To see Dr. Ignatov's complete list of publications and citation metrics, visit his ResearcherID page.

photo: Alexander Ignatov

Dr. Alexander Ignatov
Chief, Ocean Sensors Branch

PhD (Phys-Math): 1989, Marine Hydrophys. Inst. (MHI), Sevastopol, USSR
MS (Phys): 1982, Moscow Inst. Phys. and Tech. (MIPT), Moscow, USSR

Research Interests

  • Radiative Transfer in the Ocean/Land/Atmosphere
  • Remote Sensing in VIS / Near / Thermal IR
  • Atmospheric Correction of Spaceborne Data
  • Cal/Val/QC of Radiation Measurements

Professional Activities

  • 2012-present: Member, GHRSST
  • 2011-present: Lead, JPSS SST Team
  • 2011-present: Member, JPSS SDR Team
  • 2009-present: Member, NASA SST Team
  • 2006-present: Chair, GOES-R SST Team
  • 2006-present: Member, GOES-R Cloud Team
  • 2004-present: Lead, STAR/OSPO SST Team
  • 2006-2011: Member, NPOESS SST Team
  • 2004-2011: Member, VIIRS Operational Algorithm Team
  • 2001-2008: Member, NASA / CERES Science Team
  • 1997-2000: Editor, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing
  • 1993-1997: Member, IGBP / TARFOX


  • 2014: NOAA Silver Medal
  • 2013: NOAA Bronze Medal
  • 2007: NOAA Bronze Medal
  • 2003: NASA/CERES Group Achievement Award
  • 1998: NASA/CERES Group Achievement Award
  • 1992: NRC Fellowship

Previous Positions

  • 2004-2006: Oceanographer, Ocean Sensors Branch, NOAA/NESDIS, Washington, USA
  • 1992-2004: Visiting Scientist, NOAA / NESDIS, Washington, USA
  • 1982-1992: Junior / Research / Senior Research Associate, Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Sevastopol, USSR


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