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Executive Order Disposition Table

1994 William J. Clinton Executive Orders

In 1994, William J. Clinton published 54 executive orders, from EO 12890 through EO 12943.

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1994 William J. Clinton Executive Order Disposition Table

Disposition Tables contain information about Executive Orders beginning with those signed by William J. Clinton and are arranged according to Presidential administration and year of signature. The tables are compiled and maintained by the Office of the Federal Register editors.

EO 12943:
Further Amendment to Executive Order No. 11755

Amends: EO 11755, December 29, 1973

EO 12941:
Seismic Safety of Existing Federally Owned or Leased Buildings
EO 12940:
Amendment to Civil Service Rule VI

Supersedes: EO 12300, March 23, 1981

EO 12939:
Expedited Naturalization of Aliens and Noncitizen Nationals Who Served in an Active-Duty Status During the Persian Gulf Conflict

Revokes: EO 12735, November 16, 1990; EO 12930, September 29, 1994;;
; Amended by: EO 13094, July 28, 1998; EO 13128, June 25, 1999; EO 13382, June 28, 2005;;
; See: Notice of November 8, 1995; Notice of November 12, 1996; Notice of November 12, 1997; Notice of November 12, 1998; Notice of November 10, 1999; Notice of November 9, 2000; EO 13159, June 21, 2000; EO 13206, April 4, 2001; Notice of November 9, 2001; Notice of November 6, 2002; Notice of October 29, 2003; Notice of November 4, 2004; Notice of October 25, 2005; Notice of October 27, 2006; Notice of November 8, 2007; Notice of November 10, 2008; Notice of November 6, 2009

EO 12938:
Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
EO 12937:
EO 12936:
Executive Order 12936Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1984

Amends: EO 12473, April 13, 1984;;
; See: EO 12484, July 13, 1984; EO 12550, February 19, 1986; EO 12586, March 3, 1987; EO 12708, March 23, 1990; EO 12767, June 27, 1991; EO 12888, December 23, 1993; EO 12960, May 12, 1995; EO 13086, May 27, 1998; EO 13140, October 6, 1999

EO 12935:
Amending Executive Order No. 11157 as it Relates to the Definition of ``Field Duty''

Amends: EO 11157, June 22, 1964

EO 12934:
Blocking Property and Additional Measures With Respect to the Bosnian Serb-Controlled Areas of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

See: Pres. Determination No. 96-7 of December 27, 1995; Notice of May 24, 1996; Notice of May 28, 1997; Notice of May 25, 2000; Notice of May 24, 2001;;
; Revoked by: EO 13304, May 28, 2003

EO 12933:
National Mammography Day, 1994

Revoked by: EO 13204, February 17, 2001;;
; See: Final Rule of May 16, 1997 (62 FR 28176)

EO 12932:
Termination of Emergency With Respect to Haiti

Revokes: EO 12775, October 4, 1991; EO 12779, October 28, 1991; EO 12853, June 30, 1993; EO 12872, October 18, 1993; EO 12914, May 7, 1994; EO 12917, May 21, 1994; EO 12920, June 10, 1994; EO 12922, June 21, 1994

EO 12931:
Federal Procurement Reform

Revokes: EO 12352, March 17, 1982

EO 12930:
Measures To Restrict the Participation by United States Persons in Weapons Proliferation Activities

Revoked by: EO 12938, November 14, 1994

EO 12929:
EO 12927:
Ordering the Selected Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty
EO 12926:
Implementation of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993
EO 12924:
Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program; Final Rule DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

Revokes: EO 12923, June 30, 1994;;
; Continued by: Notice of August 15, 1995; Notice of August 14, 1996; Notice of August 13, 1997; Notice of August 13, 1998; Notice of August 10, 1999;;
; Revoked by: EO 13206, April 4, 2001;;
; See: EO 12002, July 7, 1977; EO 12214, May 2, 1980; EO 12735, November 16, 1990; EO 12755, March 12, 1991; EO 12851, June 11, 1993; EO 12981, December 5, 1995; EO 13020, October 12, 1996; Notice of August 3, 2000

EO 12923:
Continuation of Export Control Regulations

Revoked by: EO 12924, August 19, 1994;;
; See: EO 12002, July 7, 1977; EO 12214, May 2, 1980; EO 12735, November 16, 1990; EO 12755, March 12, 1991; EO 12851, June 11, 1993

EO 12922:
Blocking Property of Certain Haitian Nationals

Revoked by: EO 12932, October 14, 1994;;
; See: Notice, September 30, 1994; 59 FR 51066

EO 12921:
Amendment to Executive Order No. 12864

Amends: 12864, September 15, 1993;;
; Revoked by: EO 13062, September 29, 1997

EO 12920:
Prohibiting Certain Transactions With Respect to Haiti

Revoked by: EO 12932, October 14, 1994;;
; See: Notice, September 30, 1994; 59 FR 51066

EO 12919:
National Defense Industrial Resources Preparedness

Amends: EO 10789, November 14, 1958; EO 11790, June 25, 1974;;
; Amended by: EO 13286, February 28, 2003;;
; Revoked in part by: EO 13456, January 23, 2008;;
; Supersedes or Revokes: EO 8248, September 8, 1939 (in part); EO 10222, March 8, 1951; EO 10480, August 14, 1953; EO 10647, November 28, 1955; EO 11179, September 22, 1964; EO 11355, May 26, 1967; EO 11912, April 13, 1976 (in part); EO 12148, July 20, 1979 (in part); EO 12521, June 24, 1985; EO 12649, August 11, 1988; EO 12773, September 26, 1991 (in part)

EO 12917:
Prohibiting Certain Transactions With Respect to Haiti

Revokes in part: EO 12779, October 28, 1991; EO 12853, June 30, 1993;;
; Revoked by: EO 12932, October 14, 1994;;
; See: EO 12920, June 10, 1994; 59 FR 51066;;
; Amended by: Notice, September 30, 1994

EO 12916:
EO 12915:
EO 12914:
Prohibiting Certain Transactions With Respect to Haiti

Revoked by: EO 12932, October 14, 1994;;
; See: 59 FR 25809; 59 FR 26333; 59 FR 32744; EO 12922, June 21, 1994; 59 FR 51066; Notice of September 30, 1994

EO 12913:
Revocation of Executive Order No. 12582

Revokes: EO 12582, February 2, 1987

EO 12912:
Amendment to Executive Order No. 12878

Amends: EO 12878, November 5, 1993;;
; See EO 12974, September 29, 1995

EO 12911:
EO 12910:
Providing for the Closing of Government Departments and agencies on April 27, 1994

Note: In memoriam of President Nixon

EO 12909:
Order of Succession of Officers To Act as Secretary of the Air Force
EO 12908:
Order of Succession of Officers To Act as Secretary of the Army
EO 12907:
Amending Executive Order No. 12882

Amends: EO 12882, November 23, 1993;;
; Revoked by: EO 13226, September 30, 2001

EO 12906:
Coordinating Geographic Data Acquisition and Access: The National Spatial Data Infrastructure

Amended by: EO 13286, February 28, 2003

EO 12905:
Trade and Environment Policy Advisory Committee

Amended by: EO 12974, September 29, 1995; EO 13062, September 29, 1997; EO 13138, September 30, 1999; EO 13225, September 28, 2001; EO 13316, September 17, 2003; EO 13385, September 29, 2005;
Continued by: EO 13446, September 28, 2007; EO 13511, September 29, 2009; EO 13652, September 30, 2013;
See: EO 13585, September 30, 2011

EO 12903:
Nuclear Cooperation With EURATOM

Supersedes: EO 12840, March 9, 1993;;
; Superseded by: EO 12955, March 9, 199

EO 12902:
Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation at Federal Facilities

Revokes: EO 12759, April 17, 1991;;
; See: EO 13101, September 14, 1998;;
; Revoked by: EO 13123, June 3, 1999

EO 12901:
Identification of Trade Expansion Priorities

Amended by: EO 12973, September 27, 1995

EO 12900:
Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans

Revokes: EO 12729, September 24, 1990;;
; Amended by: EO 12974, September 29, 1995; EO 13062, September 29, 1997; EO 13138, September 30, 1999; EO 13225, September 28, 2001;;
; Revoked by: EO 13230, October 12, 2001

EO 12898:
Federal Actions To Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations

Amends: EO 12250, November 2, 1980;;
; Amended by: EO 12948, January 30, 1995

EO 12897:
Garnishment of Federal Employees' Pay

See: 59 FR 14541

EO 12896:
Amending the Civil Service Rules Concerning Political Activity
EO 12895:
North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
EO 12894:
North Pacific Marine Science Organization

See: Memorandum, January 17, 1994

EO 12893:
Principles for Federal Infrastructure Investments

Revokes: EO 11063, November 20, 1962 (in part); EO 12259, December 31, 1980

EO 12892:
Leadership and Coordination of Fair Housing in Federal Programs: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

Amends: EO 11063, November 20, 1962;;
; Revokes: EO 11063, November 20, 1962 (in part); EO 12259, December 31, 1980;;
; See: Memorandum, January 17, 1994

EO 12891:
Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments

Revoked by: EO 13062, September 29, 1997

EO 12890:
Amendment to Executive Order No. 12864