Notice: CRW's twice-weekly 50 km products will update around 2 pm on Mondays and Thursdays (U.S. Eastern Time) starting from 1 February 2016, using a new 50 km SST analysis. Click here to see details.
Satellite Coral Bleaching Monitoring Datasets

Daily 5-km Monitoring Raw Data (netCDF)
Variable Data for download File
Data Info
Sea Surface Temperature (SST) FTP Varies Image Metadata
SST Anomaly (SSTA) FTP Varies Image Metadata
Bleaching HotSpot (HS) FTP Varies Image Metadata
Degree Heating Week (DHW) FTP Varies Image Metadata
Bleaching Alert Area (7-day max) FTP Varies Image Metadata

Twice-Weekly 50-km Monitoring Raw Data (HDF)*
Variable Data for download
(choose desired server below)
Data Info
Sea Surface Temperature (SST) FTP, HTTP, OPeNDAP, THREDDS 0.4MB Image Metadata
SST Anomaly (SSTA) FTP, HTTP, OPeNDAP, THREDDS 0.4MB Image Metadata
Bleaching HotSpot (HS) FTP, HTTP, OPeNDAP, THREDDS 0.3MB Image Metadata
Degree Heating Week (DHW) FTP, HTTP, OPeNDAP, THREDDS 0.3MB Image Metadata
Bleaching Alert Area (BAA) FTP, HTTP, OPeNDAP, THREDDS 0.3MB Image Metadata
(SST, SSTA, HS and DHW only)

Archives, from 2000 to Present: 50-km HDF data and preview images
Variable Data for download
(choose desired server below)
Data Info
Sea Surface Temperature (SST) FTP, HTTP, OPeNDAP, THREDDS Metadata
Bleaching HotSpot (HS) FTP, HTTP, OPeNDAP, THREDDS Metadata
Degree Heating Week (DHW) FTP, HTTP, OPeNDAP, THREDDS Metadata
Bleaching Alert Area (BAA) FTP, HTTP, OPeNDAP, THREDDS Metadata
(SST, SSTA, HS and DHW only)
These data files are also available from NOAA's CLASS archive.

2001-Present Monthly, Year-to-date, and Annual Composites
Maximum Bleaching Alert Area
Maximum Degree Heating Week
Maximum HotSpot
Maximum Sea Surface Temperature
Mean Sea Surface Temperature
Maximum SST Anomaly
Minimum SST Anomaly
Mean SST Anomaly

Coral Reef Watch Operational 50-km Satellite Nighttime SST Climatologies
Data type .zip files .gz files
HDF data files (3.6MB) data_files_hdf.tar.gz (3.5MB)
Browse Images (836K) images_browse.tar.gz (836K)
This data package includes 50-km monthly mean satellite-only nighttime SST climatologies for 12 months and the maximum of these monthly mean climatologies. The 12 monthly mean SST climatologies have been used for producing CRW's near-real-time SST Anomaly product. The maximum climatology is also known as the Maximum Monthly Mean SST (MMMSST) Climatology and has been used for producing CRW's near-real-time HotSpot product. For more information on these climatologies, please visit the methodology web page.

V3.3.0: CoastWatch Software Tools for Coral Reef Watch netCDF and HDF Data
(data visualization, information, statistics, graphic output, etc.)

Please read the instructions and README before installing.

Name Operating
Size Last Modified
cwf-3_3_0_b54-windows-x86.exe Windows (32-bit) 93 MB Dec 4, 2014
cwf-3_3_0_b54-windows-x86_64.exe Windows (64-bit) 94 MB Dec 4, 2014
cwf-3_3_0_b54-macosx-x86_64.dmg Mac 98 MB Dec 4, 2014
cwf-3_3_0_b54-linux-x86_64.tar.gz Linux 114 MB Dec 4, 2014
cwf-3_3_0_b54-solaris-sparc.tar.gz Solaris SPARC 119 MB Dec 4, 2014
cwf-3_3_0_b54-solaris-sparcv9.tar.gz Solaris SPARC 86 MB Dec 4, 2014
To access the software via other platforms and operating systems, for additional information, and for the newest software version, please visit CoastWatch's Software and Utilities web page.

You can verify the download using the MD5SUM code.

User's Guide (cwf_ug_3_3_0.pdf) PDF file 1.7 MB Oct 22, 2013
Encoding CoastWatch Satellite Data in NetCDF
PDF file 0.5 MB Mar 3, 2010
Previous versions of the software tools

* The sea surface temperatures (SSTs) used in CRW's bleaching thermal stress monitoring are nighttime-only and are used to derive all other variables.
** An all-in-one data file contains four variables (SST, SST Anomaly, Bleaching HotSpot, and Degree Heating Week) but does not include data from the Bleaching Alert Area product.
*** Our OPeNDAP service is temporarily unavailable.

To learn more about the Coral Reef Watch 50-km products,
please go to the
methodology web page.

A suite of datasets used by NOAA Coral Reef Watch for its near-real-time satellite coral bleaching thermal stress monitoring are now available for download and use. These are the data that have been used for making the images and graphs posted on our satellite monitoring website. 5-km data are available in the network Common Data Form (netCDF) and 50-km data are available in the Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) via FTP, HTTP, and OPeNDAP servers.

The first five tables above list the available data files and the protocols in which the data can be downloaded. Users can choose a desired server for download by clicking on the server name. Using the OPeNDAP protocol, metadata (i.e., information about the data file) contained in an HDF data file can be viewed before download. Click here for more information about our HDF data.

The last table provides some software tools (the CoastWatch Software Library and Utilities) that can be used for visualizing data, viewing data information and values, calculating certain statistics, creating graphic output, etc. Please see our Software Details page for more information. The software is easy to install and use and is customized for Coral Reef Watch HDF data files. This software is not required to visualize and manipulate the data; many commonly used computer languages and software packages can read and process HDF files. Click here for more information about the CoastWatch software tools.

We request proper credit and citation to NOAA Coral Reef Watch
and CoastWatch when using the data and software.

Acknowledgements: We thank Peter Hollemans (the creator and developer of the CoastWatch Software Library and Utilities) of Terrenus Earth Sciences and Ken Casey of NOAA NODC for their suggestions, comments, and assistance in developing our HDF metadata specification. We thank Peter Hollemans for his collaborative work in customizing the CoastWatch Software Library and Utilities, including CDAT, for our Coral Reef Watch users.