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2016 CoRP Symposium - CIRA - Ft. Collins, CO

Group photo: CoRP Symposium22 July 2016 - The 2016 CoRP Symposium was held 18-19 July at the CIRA/Atmospheric Science complex on the foothills campus of Colorado State University in Fort Collins CO. The Symposium consisted of two days of presentations and posters, including a few invited speakers and featuring oral and poster presentations by younger scientists from several Cooperative Institutes.

The poster presenters also gave brief oral summaries of their posters in an introductory session. At the end of the Symposium, award certificates were presented to the three best posters. See the symposium website. An optional all-day trip to Rocky Mountain National Park, including a hike around Bear Lake and to Alberta Falls, as well as lunch in Estes Park, followed the Symposium on 20 July. Symposium master of ceremonies was C. Kummerow.

The Symposium involved many at RAMMB and CIRA, including J. Divico, R. Borger, K. Fryer, H. Knutson, and B. Kessler, as well as D. Hillger, D. Lindsey, R. Brummer, D. Watson, S. Miller, C. Kummerow. These staff and everyone else who contributed to the successful symposium are commended for their efforts.


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