About CFR

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher. In this video, members explain why CFR is a trusted and indispensable resource.


CFR's current membership of over 4,900 is divided among those living in New York, Washington, DC, and across the country and abroad.

For those between the ages of thirty and thirty-six there is the Stephen M. Kellen Term Member Program.

The Corporate Program serves an international membership of about two hundred leading global corporations.

The Think Tank

The David Rockefeller Studies Program—CFR's think tank—is composed of more than seventy full-time and adjunct fellows who cover the major regions and significant issues shaping today's international agenda. The program also includes recipients of several one-year fellowships.

The Studies Program is organized into more than a dozen program areas and centers that focus on major geographical areas of the world or significant foreign policy issues, including the Maurice R. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies, the Center for Preventive Action, the International Institutions and Global Governance program, the Civil Society, Markets, and Democracy initiative, and the Renewing America initiative.

Informing the Public Debate

Access to CFR's high-level discussions—with world leaders, U.S. government officials, CEOs, policy analysts, and others—is available through select videos, audio recordings, and unedited transcripts.

Outreach initiatives target constituencies increasingly important to the national foreign policy debate: educators and students; religious and congregational leaders; state and local officials; and nonprofit, civic, and community leaders.

The Washington Program actively engages decision-makers in Congress, the executive branch, and the diplomatic community.

The bimonthly Foreign Affairs is widely considered to be the most influential magazine for the analysis and debate of foreign policy and economics. Its website, ForeignAffairs.com, publishes original daily features and hosts the complete archives going back to 1922.

Independent Task Forces work to reach consensus on how to deal with critical foreign policy challenges.

CFR's website is a trusted, nonpartisan source of timely analysis and context on international events and trends. CFR.org publishes backgrounders, interviews, "first-take" analysis, expert blogs, and a variety of multimedia offerings that include videos, podcasts, interactive timelines, and the Emmy-winning Crisis Guide series. The site also presents the work of CFR's Think Tank, including books, reports, congressional testimony, and op-eds, as well as audio, video, and transcripts of CFR events. Each weekday morning, the Daily News Brief delivers subscribers an authoritative digest of global news and analysis compiled by CFR.org's editors.

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