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More detailed GOES sounder products for forecasters

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NESDIS has retrieved atmospheric and surface properties from vertical profiles of the atmosphere, using measurements from the sounder instrument on the GOES satellites. NESDIS scientists have now implemented a new GOES sounder processing system that produces an entire suite of products at the full resolution of the GOES sounder without loss of quality or timeliness. These products are more detailed and offer better geographic coverage and depiction of atmospheric and surface information for the National Weather Service (NWS) forecasters. NESDIS delivers the GOES sounder products to its primary user, the NWS, in a variety of formats. For example, the Derived Product Imagery (DPI) format, a color-coded image of derived meteorological information, permits the display of time-lapse loops that animate changes in quantities like atmospheric moisture, atmospheric instability, temperature of the ground surface, and height and amount of clouds. The additional information and sharper presentation of the high resolution products from the GOES sounder allows field forecasters to provide more timely and more specific severe weather warnings to the public.

Learn more:

radiance observations from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager and Sounder instrument
Newer product with more details shows zones of
sharp transition from low instability to high instability

Data, algorithms, and images presented on STAR websites are intended for experimental use only and are not supported on an operational basis.  More information

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