STAR Joint Polar Satellite System Algorithms & Data Products website National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration website NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research website

JPSS Data Access

The JPSS data product algorithms are in operations through either the Interface Data Processing Segment (IDPS) implemented by Raytheon or through S-NPP Data Exploration (NDE) at Environmental Satellite Processing Center (ESPC). Data available through CLASS (Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System), PDA (Production Distribution and Access), and Direct Readout.

  • The majority of JPSS data products are accessible to public users worldwide through the NOAA CLASS system in near real time (3~6 hour delay from the raw data acquisition). Here is a complete list of Suomi NPP Data Available to the Public in CLASS.
  • NESDIS PDA System:
    • Enterprise distribution system for real time users
    • Supports only secure transfer protocols (SFTP, FTP-S and HTTPS - pull only)
    • Highly automated user driven process
    • User managed subscriptions, search and tailoring
    • User Operational Prioritization - PDA has the ability to shed lower priority users to ensure data continuity is maintained to mission critical users
    • Full policy and Data Access Request Form at OSPO
  • Direct readout users receive live JPSS data using direct downlink capabilities via Direct Broadcast (DB).
  • The Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) supports DB users to receive satellite data in real time, and allows creation of Level 1B and higher level products and images in real time.
  • JPSS NUPs (NOAA Unique Products) are available from OSPO product web
  • Data also available at CLASS FTP:

STAR Cal/Val Coordination for JPSS-1 Test Data Sets

  • JPSS STAR Science teams coordinated with the Test Data Working Group (TDWG) team and requested for JPSS-1 RDRs identifying requirements, desired data sets and needed ancillary data to verify S-NPP algorithms work with JPSS-1 RDRs. TDWG team generated JPSS-1 RDRs as needed by STAR-SDR teams and these data sets are available on the GRAVITE test data portal.
  • The STAR JPSS team is setting up a test data repository in one of the STAR servers to facilitate easy access for all the STAR Cal/Val teams. The test data repository currently has a copy of all the JPSS-1 test data sets created by the TDWG specifically for the Cal/Val science teams.
  • The team hopes this arrangement will help for easy access to many test data sets over the time, and also facilitate those who do not have access to GRAVITE/test data portal. The repository will be linked on the STAR JPSS website.
  • JPSS-1 Test Data Details, (PDF, 107 KB)
  • Contact Murty Divakarla or Xingpin Liu