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11 Campus Blvd., Suite 200
Newtown Square, PA 19073
(610) 557-4017
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You are here: NRS Home / Research Units / Genetics, Biological Control, and Management of Invasive Species
Genetics, Biological Control, and Management of Invasive Species

Our Mission

Research Work Unit NRS-04[photo collage:] need description

Our Mission-  to provide basic and applied knowledge about and develop methods for protecting and sustaining landscapes disturbed by invasive species and other agents.

Our Research Areas

We work on developing knowledge and methods to address the effects of invasive species and surface mining on forested and urban landscapes in the Northeast and Midwest.  Our approaches include development of microbial controls and field methods for use against invasive insects; generation of hardwood trees with resistance/tolerance to invasive pathogens or insects through genetics; development of methods to use pathogen and insect resistant/tolerant hardwood tree strains to restore tree species and/or landscapes; development of controls and management methods to address invasive weeds within the urban landscape; and generation of methods to facilitate reforestation of reclaimed mine lands. 

Our research and development focus areas include:

Recent Publications

Last Modified: 09/20/2012