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SMCD shieldShobha Kondragunta

Satellite Meteorology and Climatology Division

Satellite Calibration and Data Assimilation Branch
Research Scientist

Publications and Research Identifiers

To view Dr. Kondragunta's complete list of publications, visit the research identifier accounts listed below:


photo: Shobha KondraguntaShobha Kondragunta received an M.S. degree in chemistry from Florida Atlantic University in 1990, and a Ph.D degree in chemistry from University of Maryland in 1997. She worked as a UCAR postdoctoral fellow at the Environmental Protection Agency for over a year before joining NOAA/NESDIS in 1999. She leads projects under Remote Sensing of Air Quality initiative at NOAA/NESDIS/STAR. As the lead air quality scientist, her duties involve developing algorithms to derive air quality products and applying them for monitoring and forecasting decision support system tools, building multi-agency collaborative projects in the area of satellite-based air quality product development and their applications, holding workshops to discuss the status of on-going projects, and briefing management on air quality activities. She is the lead for GOES-R Aerosols/Atmospheric Chemistry/Air Quality Algorithm Working Group and the co-lead for JPSS VIIRS aerosol algorithm team.

She is currently leading the following projects:

  • Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) product development from the current (GOES) and next generation (GOES-R) geostationary satellites
  • Biomass burning emissions from a network of global geostationary satellites
  • Projects in support of NWS operational air quality forecast verification efforts
  • SNPP VIIRS aerosol product validation and development of new algorithms for smoke and dust detection
  • Improving operational PM2.5 forecasts by assimilation of satellite data
  • GOES-R and SNPP air quality proving ground activities
  • Enhancements to IDEA (Infusing satellite Data into Environmental Applications)
  • Collaborative work with University of Maryland at College Park (Russ Dickerson), Pennsylvania State University (Amy Huff) on air quality related work

Awards and Honors

In 2014, Dr. Kondragunta received the Dept. of Commerce Bronze Medal for her efforts on the Suomi NPP EDR products team. The group was "Honored for the timely creation and leadership of the team to increase the scientific value of the Suomi satellite environmental data products to meet NOAA users' needs."

In 2010, Dr. Kondragunta received the Department of Commerce gold medal for scientific achievement in developing and advancing satellite-based products in support of national air quality monitoring and forecasting.

In 2002, Dr. Kondragunta received NOAA bronze medal for developing a new total ozone product by combining information from two different instruments, one measuring in the Infrared and one in the Ultraviolet.

Dr. Kondragunta routinely reviews proposals for EPA and NASA, and manuscripts for journals such as Geophysical Research letters, Atmospheric Environment, and Journal of Geophysical Research.

Team members

Dr. Kondragunta's work is supported by Pubu Ciren (IMSG), Ho-Chun Huang (UMD-CICS), Jingfeng Huang (UMD-CICS), Stephen Superczynski (SRG), Chuanyu Xu (IMSG), Xiaoyang Zhang (South Dakota State University), Qiang Zhao (IMSG), and Hai Zhang (IMSG).


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