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Dear Colleagues

You are cordially invited to participate in the 2016 STAR JPSS Annual Science Team Meeting to be held August 8th-12th, 2016, in the Auditorium and Conference Center at the NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction (NCWCP) in College Park, Maryland.

As the fifth anniversary of the launch of Suomi NPP approaches, the theme of the third annual meeting will be "Impacts of JPSS". The goals for the meeting are to present the accomplishments of the STAR JPSS program over the past years, assess the use of Suomi NPP data in user applications and consider potential socioeconomic benefits, and to highlight the progress in preparing for the 2017 launch of J1, as well as transition to the Enterprise algorithms. Through this meeting we plan to accomplish the following objectives:

Here is the final summary report for the meeting.
2016 STAR JPSS Annual Meeting Report, (PDF, 338 KB)

Group photo: 2016 JPSS Science Team Attendees; click to enlarge

Click to enlarge

  1. Review the progress of the STAR JPSS program over the past year and since launch and review the plans in the coming year, particularly as they relate to J1 pre- and post-launch activities;
  2. Engage with users supporting the NOAA mission and other stakeholders such as NASA, DOD, OSPO, OSGS, NCEI, JPSS Risk Reduction and Proving Ground, the JPSS Ground and Flight Segments, and industry partners.
  3. Review the outcomes from the JPSS Enterprise Algorithm meeting and the JPSS Reprocessing Meeting, both to be held in the spring 2016.
  4. Enhance interaction between SDR and EDR teams and facilitate science and technical exchanges among the teams.
  5. Host the GSICS User Workshop, which will include an introduction to existing GSICS research and products, and discussion of new planned products.

Information on the agenda, registration, and participation in the open poster sessions will be released in the upcoming weeks. Please pass this invitation to colleagues who you feel might be interested in participating. We encourage those who can to attend in person, but for those who cannot, remote access via WebEx and conference call will be available, and all presentations will be posted on the website.


Lihang Zhou
STAR JPSS Program Manager



If you have questions, please contact: Tom Atkins

schedule of sessions

schedule of sessions
(click to enlarge)

JPSS Meeting Block Schedule, (XLSX, 14 KB, 8/3/2016)

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