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12/01/2016 Issue

Document Issue Table of Contents

This is the table of contents as published in the Federal Register.

Agriculture Department

Census Bureau


Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals

Civil Rights Commission



Illinois Advisory Committee
Wisconsin Advisory Committee

Coast Guard


Drawbridge Operations:

New Jersey Intracoastal Waterway, Point Pleasant Canal, Point Pleasant, NJ

Commerce Department


Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals

Proposed Rule

Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency


Privacy Act Regulations

Defense Department

Education Department


Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals:

Grants to Charter Management Organizations for Replication and Expansion of High-Quality Charter Schools Program

Energy Department



Advanced Scientific Computing Advisory Committee

Engineers Corps


Records of Decisions:

Trinity Parkway Environmental Impact Statement, Dallas County, TX

Environmental Protection Agency


Pesticide Tolerances:

Quizalofop Ethyl

Pesticide Tolerances; Exemptions:

Muscodor Albus Strain SA-13 and Volatiles Produced on Rehydration

Protection of Stratospheric Ozone:

New Listings of Substitutes; Changes of Listing Status; and Reinterpretation of Unacceptability for Closed Cell Foam Products under Significant New Alternatives Policy Program; and Revision of Clean Air Act Section 608 Venting Prohibition for Propane

Proposed Rule

Air Quality State Implementation Plans; Approvals and Promulgations:

California Air Plan Revisions, Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District
Kentucky; Redesignation of Campbell County, 2010 1-Hour Sulfur Dioxide Nonattainment Area to Attainment


Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals:

Supplemental Distribution of Registered Pesticide Product

Clean Air Act Operating Permit Program; Petitions:

Appleton Coated, LLC

General Permit under Federal Indian Country Minor New Source Review Program


New Chemicals Review Program under Amended Toxic Substances Control Act

Federal Aviation Administration


Airworthiness Directives:

Rolls-Royce plc Turbofan Engines

Amendment of Class C Airspace:

El Paso International Airport, TX

Proposed Rule

Airworthiness Directives:

ATR—GIE Avions de Transport Regional Airplanes
Rolls-Royce plc Turbofan Engines

VOR Federal Airways:

Eastern United States


Aeronautical Properties; Disposals:

2.96 Acres of Airport Land, Laconia Municipal Airport, Gilford, NH

Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals:

Aviation Medical Examiners Program
Mitsubishi MU-2B Series Airplane Special Training, Experience, and Operating Procedures
Qualification, Service, and Use of Crewmembers and Aircraft Dispatchers
Reduction of Fuel Tank Flammability on Transport Category Airplanes

Airport Wildlife Hazard Management Plans:

Applicability of National Environmental Policy Act

Petitions for Exemption; Summaries:

Western Oklahoma State College

Federal Communications Commission


Review of Foreign Ownership Policies for Broadcast, Common Carrier and Aeronautical Radio Licensees

Federal Election Commission


Meetings; Sunshine Act

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission


Regulations Implementing FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 and Clarifying FOIA Regulations


Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals

Combined Filings

Environmental Assessments; Availability, etc.:

WBI Energy Transmission, Inc., Valley Expansion Project

License Applications:

FFP Project 133, LLC

Petitions for Waivers:

Clear Lake Cogeneration Ltd. Partnership

Transfers of Exemptions:

William B. Ruger, Jr.; 169 Sunapee Street, LLC

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Proposed Rule

Process for Department of Veterans Affairs Physicians to be Added to National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners

Federal Reserve System


Changes in Bank Control Notices:

Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or Bank Holding Company

Formations of, Acquisitions by, and Mergers of Bank Holding Companies

Financial Crimes Enforcement Network


Special Measures:

FBME Bank, Ltd.

Fish and Wildlife Service


Endangered and Threatened Species:

Permit Applications

Food and Nutrition Service

Proposed Rule

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program:

Student Eligibility, Convicted Felons, Lottery and Gambling, and State Verification Provisions of Agricultural Act

Foreign Claims Settlement Commission


Meetings; Sunshine Act

Foreign-Trade Zones Board


Production Activity Authorizations:

Thoma-Sea Marine Constructors, LLC (Shipbuilding), Houma and Lockport, LA, Foreign-Trade Zone 279, Terrebonne Parish, LA

Forest Service


Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:

Helena-Lewis and Clark National Forest, MT; National Forest Plan Revision

Health and Human Services Department

Health Resources and Services Administration


Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals:

Division of Independent Review Grant Reviewer Recruitment Form
Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students Application

Deviations from Competition Requirements:

National Technical Resource Center for Newborn Hearing Screening and Intervention Program at Utah State University


National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

Homeland Security Department

Industry and Security Bureau


Temporary Exports to Mexico under License Exception TMP

Interior Department

International Trade Administration


Antidumping or Countervailing Duty Investigations, Orders, or Reviews:

Advance Notification of Sunset Reviews
Certain Pasta from Turkey
Initiation of Five-Year (Sunset) Reviews
Initiation of Five-Year Sunset Reviews; Correction
Opportunity to Request Administrative Review
Steel Concrete Reinforcing Bar from Republic of Turkey

Determinations of Sales at Less than Fair Value:

1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane (R-134a) from People's Republic of China

International Trade Commission


FOIA Improvement Act; Rules of General Application


Investigations; Determinations, Modifications, and Rulings, etc.:

Cut-to-Length Carbon-Quality Steel Plate from India, Indonesia, and Korea; Institution of Five-Year Reviews
Stainless Steel Wire Rod from India; Institution of Five-Year Review

Justice Department

Labor Department


Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals:

Revision of Confidentiality Pledges under Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act

Land Management Bureau


Competitive Coal Lease Sales:

Greens Hollow Tract, UT

Library of Congress

Maritime Administration


Application of Cargo Preference Requirements to Federal Ship Financing Program

Requests for Administrative Waivers of the Coastwise Trade Laws:


National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Proposed Rule

Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Proposed Rule

Fisheries of the Northeastern United States:

Atlantic Deep-Sea Red Crab Fishery; 2017-2019 Atlantic Deep-Sea Red Crab Specifications

National Technical Information Service


Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals:

Limited Access Death Master File Systems Safeguards Attestation Forms

Nuclear Regulatory Commission


Environmental Assessments; Availability, etc.:

Tennessee Valley Authority, Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3

Personnel Management Office


Prevailing Rate System:

Redefinition of Certain Appropriated Fund Federal Wage System Wage Areas

Recruitment, Selection, and Placement (General) and Suitability

Proposed Rule

Federal Employees Health Benefits Program:

Removal of Ineligible Individuals from Existing Enrollments

Removal of Eligible Family Members from Existing Self and Family Enrollments

Postal Service


Meetings; Sunshine Act

Securities and Exchange Commission


Self-Regulatory Organizations; Proposed Rule Changes:

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.
NASDAQ Stock Market, LLC
NYSE Arca, Inc.

Small Business Administration


Disaster Declarations:

Kansas; Amendment 2
North Carolina; Amendment 2

Senior Executive Service: Performance Review Board Members

Surrender of License of Small Business Investment Companies:

EDF Ventures II, LP

State Department



Advisory Committee on International Communications and Information Policy
International Telecommunication Advisory Committee

Requests for Nominations:

Lead Authors or Review Editors on First Special Report to be undertaken by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change during Sixth Assessment Report Cycle

Susquehanna River Basin Commission


Projects Approved for Consumptive Uses of Water

Projects Rescinded for Consumptive Uses of Water

Transportation Department



Advisory Committee on Transportation Equity

Treasury Department

Documents by Agency

Information about this document as published in the Federal Register.