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36-year Time Series (1963-1998) of Temperature, Salinity, and Zooplankton in the White Sea
V. Berger, A. Naumov, N. Usov, M. Zubaha
White Sea Biological Station, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
I. Smolyar, R. Tatusko, S. Levitus
NODC/NESDIS/NOAA World Data Center for Oceanography, Silver Spring, Ocean Climate Laboratory.

    The present study is based on marine physical and biological observations since 1961. The data on zooplankton has been collected since 1963 in the vicinity of the White Sea Biological Station of the Zoological Institute, RAS, (Chupa Inlet of Kandalaksha Bay, Cape Kartesh). Temperature and salinity measurements have been conducted since 1961. The study describes the seasonal and long-term dynamics of hydrological parameters and plankton abundance, giving special consideration to long-term trends. The plankton effects of extreme hydrological conditions are estimated and the anomalies of plankton seasonal dynamics during cold and warm, high- and low-salinity years are shown. The influence of long-term salinity-and-temperature variations on the plankton community is examined. The temperature optima of dominant plankton species are determined according to the long-term dynamics of their abundance.

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Data distribution plot for 158 cruises from 1913 to 1999 year

  Last modified:    Thu, 23-Apr-2015 19:57 UTC
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