Online Services Availability
  • Monday-Friday: 5 AM - 1 AM ET
  • Saturday: 5 AM - 11 PM ET
  • Sunday: 8 AM - 11:30 PM ET


  User Registration Attestation


Please read the following information about registering to use Business Services Online.

Registering for Business Services

To obtain a User ID and password, complete the registration form and select the submit button on the following page. The information you submit will be verified against our records.

Upon successful registration, you will have your User ID and password.

You may update your registration information or change your password at any time.

I understand that the Social Security Administration (SSA) will validate the information I provide against the information in SSA’s files.

User Certification for SSA Business Services Online

I certify that:

  • I understand that SSA may prevent me from using these services if SSA determines or suspects there has been misuse of these services.

  • I understand that I may be subject to penalties if I submit fraudulent information.

  • I am aware that any person who knowingly and willingly makes any representation to falsely obtain information from Social Security records and/or intends to deceive the Social Security Administration as to the true identity of an individual could be punished by a fine or imprisonment, or both.

By selecting the "I Accept" button, you certify that you have read, understand and agree to the user certification of Business Services Online.