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I-5 Corridor Reinforcement
Final EIS released, decision expected late 2016 
The Bonneville Power Administration has completed the final environmental impact statement for our proposed I-5 Corridor Reinforcement Project, updating the draft EIS BPA released for public review on Nov. 13, 2012. BPA’s responses to comments on the draft EIS are found in Volume 3 (Volume 3A through 3H) of the final EIS and can be searched online. You can find the final EIS online, request to have a copy on CD mailed to you, or access a printed copy at several community resource centers. Information about changes made to the EIS since the draft EIS was released can be found in Notes to Readers.

The final EIS is a significant milestone in completing the National Environmental Policy Act review process for this proposal. BPA’s preferred route for the transmission line remains the Central Alternative using Central Option 1. However, we are not done yet. Before we make a final decision, we are further reviewing the cost and rate implications of the project and continuing to explore potential options that would not involve building the transmission line – referred to as “non-wire measures” – to see if there are any feasible and cost-effective options that could defer the need for the project, either in the long term or indefinitely.

Given our desire to conduct this due diligence, we now expect to make a final decision about the project by the end of 2016. If BPA decides to build the transmission line, we would prepare and issue a record of decision that announces and explains our decision to build the project. The record of decision also would identify which route alternative we have chosen to construct.

In the interim, BPA will continue to work and communicate with our cooperating agencies, as well as with other federal, state, regional, and local agencies and officials, tribes, landowners, interest groups and citizens. Please contact us if you would like to discuss proposed locations of project facilities on or near your property.  

News and Highlights

February 2016 letter announcing final EIS

February 2016 interactive map
This map shows the preferred alternative as analyzed in the final EIS. This guide can help you use the new map. You can find previous versions of project maps in the Library.
November 2012 interactive map
This map shows all project route alternatives. This map does not reflect the latest design for the preferred alternative.

Fact Sheets