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Contractor Safety
Getting Started: ISNetworld Requirement for Contractors Performing Work for BPA
Bonneville Power Administration has a responsibility to ensure safety in the workforce and conduct business in a manner that facilitates access and encourages competition for responsible, safe contractors while maintaining a fair and transparent process.
BPA aims to select contractors that demonstrate experience, responsibilities and offer products or services that meet BPA’s requirements. To assist in this process, BPA has enlisted the help of ISN to manage contractor safety information for its contractors. ISNetworld allows BPA to monitor Health, Safety and Environmental, insurance and other compliance information through a central repository.
Through ISNetworld, BPA is able to maintain:
  • Transparent processes while increasing due diligence;
  • Verified, timely information for decision making that can be shared among BPA business units;
  • Access to real-time contractor information;
  • Consistent processes that reduce duplicative efforts for contractors working across multiple projects/jobsites;
  • Effective communication vehicles that leverage technology and service.
ISNetworld aids BPA in ensuring proper due diligence and monitoring safety across our jobsites.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How does ISNetworld help improve safety at BPA?
A: ISNetworld functionality assists BPA to streamline its contractor data management processes and gain access to real-time contractor information. In our efforts to create an injury-free workplace, ISNetworld helps BPA track contractors’ safety and regulatory compliance information and make data driven decisions.
Q: How does BPA use ISNetworld to monitor contractor performance?
A: BPA uses ISNetworld to assess, monitor, and analyze contractors’ Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE), Experience Modification Rate (EMR), OSHA Forms, insurance and other compliance information.
Q: Can BPA improve contractor performance through ISNetworld?
A: Yes. BPA Performance Evaluations aim to improve performance by ensuring the use of responsible contractors who will drive continuous progress in safety culture and effective project delivery. These performance evaluations can be uploaded into ISNetworld and tracked over time. BPA can then provide data driven feedback to contractors to drive performance and maintain full transparency. 
Q:  What is the cost to my company?
A:  ISN pricing is all-inclusive and transparent.  Pricing for all ISN customers, including BPA, is posted online at
Q: How do I establish or get technical help with my ISNetworld subscription?
A: For assistance contact ISNetworld Customer Service Team by phone at (800) 976-1303 or email at