Greater Sage-Grouse: ecology and conservation of a landscape species and its habitats
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Thirty-eight federal, state, university, and nongovernmental experts have collaborated to produce new scientific information about Greater Sage-Grouse populations, sagebrush habitats, and relationships among sage-grouse, sagebrush habitats, and land use. The information has been published as a scientific monograph in the series Studies in Avian Biology under the management of the Cooper Ornithological Society. The publisher for the monograph is the University of California Press.

Pre-release of the 25 chapters formerly available on this web site occurred under special arrangements with the authors, the Cooper Ornithological Society, and the University of California Press.  Per this agreement, pre-release chapters were removed when the book was published. The book is now available from the University of California Press and many major booksellers.

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Thoughts on the role of science in making public policy - John C. Freemuth
Greater Sage-Grouse and sagebrush: an introduction to the landscape - Steven T. Knick and John W. Connelly
1. Historical development, principal federal legislation, and current management of sagebrush habitats: implications for conservation - Steven T. Knick
2. The legal status of Greater Sage-Grouse: organizational structure of planning efforts - San J. Stiver
3. Characteristics and dynamics of Greater Sage-Grouse populations - John W. Connelly, Christian A. Hagen, and Michael A. Schroeder
4. Characteristics of Greater Sage-Grouse habitats: a landscape species at micro- and macro scales - John W. Connelly, E. Thomas Rinkes, and Clait E. Braun
5. Molecular insights into the biology of Greater Sage-Grouse - Sara J. Oyler-McCance and Thomas W. Quinn
6. Predation on Greater Sage-Grouse: facts, process, and effects - Christian A. Hagen
7. Harvest management for Greater Sage-Grouse: a changing paradigm for game bird management - Kerry P. Reese  and John W. Connelly
8. Parasites and infectious diseases of Greater Sage-Grouse - Thomas J. Christiansen  and Cynthia M. Tate
9. West Nile Virus ecology in sagebrush habitat and impacts on Greater Sage-Grouse populations - Brett L. Walker and David E. Naugle
10. Characteristics of sagebrush habitats and limitations to long-term conservation - Richard F. Miller, Steven T. Knick, David A. Pyke, Cara W. Meinke, Steven E. Hanser, Michael J. Wisdom, and Ann L. Hild
11. Pre-Euro-American and recent fire in sagebrush ecosystems - William L. Baker
12. Ecological influence and pathways of land use in sagebrush - Steven T. Knick, Steven E. Hanser, Richard F. Miller, David A. Pyke, Michael J. Wisdom, Sean P. Finn, E. Thomas Rinkes, and C. J. Henny
13. Influences of the human footprint on sagebrush landscape patterns: implications for Sage-Grouse conservation - Matthias Leu  and Steven E. Hanser
14. Influences of free-roaming equids on sagebrush ecosystems, with a focus on Greater Sage-Grouse - Erik A. Beever  and Cameron L. Aldridge
15. Greater Sage-Grouse population dynamics and probability of persistence - Edward O. Garton, John W. Connelly, Christian A. Hagen, Jon S. Horne, Ann Moser, and Michael A. Schroeder
16. Connecting pattern and process in Greater Sage-Grouse populations and sagebrush landscapes - Steven T. Knick  and Steven E. Hanser
17. Influences of environmental and anthropogenic features on Greater Sage-Grouse populations, 1997-2007 - Douglas H. Johnson, Matthew J. Holloran, John W. Connelly, Steven E. Hanser, Courtney L. Amundson, and Steven T. Knick
18. Factors associated with extirpation of sage-grouse - Michael J. Wisdom, Cara W. Meinke, Steven T. Knick, and Michael A. Schroeder
19. Greater Sage-Grouse as an umbrella species for shrubland passerine birds: a multiscale assessment - Steven E. Hanser  and Steven T. Knick
20. Energy development and Greater Sage-Grouse - David E. Naugle, Kevin E. Doherty, Brett L. Walker, Matthew J. Holloran, and Holly E. Copeland
21. Energy development and conservation tradeoffs: systematic planning for Greater Sage-Grouse in their eastern range - Kevin E. Doherty, David E. Naugle, Holly Copeland, Amy Pocewicz, and Joseph Kiesecke
22. Response of Greater Sage-Grouse to the Conservation Reserve Program in Washington state - Michael A. Schroeder  and W. Matthew Vander Haegen
23. Restoring and rehabilitating sagebrush habitats - David A. Pyke
24. Conservation of Greater Sage-Grouse: a synthesis of current trends and future management - John W. Connelly, Steven T. Knick, Clait E. Braun, William L. Baker, Erik A. Beever, Thomas J. Christiansen, Kevin E. Doherty, Edward O. Garton, Christian A. Hagen, Steven E. Hanser, Douglas H. Johnson, Matthias Leu, Richard F. Miller, David E. Naugle, Sara J. Oyler-McCance, David A. Pyke, Kerry P. Reese, Michael A. Schroeder, San J. Stiver, Brett L. Walker, and Michael J. Wisdom

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Introduction: Greater Sage-Grouse and sagebrush: an introduction to the landscape
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