Open Government

Transparency is at the heart of accountability.

MCC is widely recognized for its institutional commitment to transparency, as evidenced by its consistently high ranking among the world’s top donors and within the U.S. government by Publish What You Fund. In 2016, Publish What You Fund’s Aid Transparency Index ranked MCC as the most transparent U.S. Government agency and the second most transparent donor globally. MCC also received the highest score of all federal agencies measured in Results for America's 2016 Federal Invest in What Works Index. This Index showcases how federal agencies are currently using data and evidence to drive budget, policy and management decisions, and ultimately to improve lives.

Visitors to MCC’s website can access criteria for country selection as well as scorecards explaining candidate countries’ performance on these criteria. For all compact programs, the website also features five-year budgets, cost-benefit analyses, projected outcomes, program monitoring and evaluation data, and results of independent evaluations. MCC is also transparent about the way it does business, with guidance documents and all upcoming and awarded procurements available online.

Data drives all good decision making, and MCC is helping its partner countries collect and use better data. Easy access to financial and program information allows MCC partner countries to plan and budget their development strategies, and for citizens in those countries and the United States to hold their governments accountable for good investments and results.

​MCC's Committment to Data Transparency

  • MCC Open Government Plan. In accordance with the Open Government Directive, MCC is proud to make its Open Government Plan available to the general public.
  • MCC Open Evaluation Data Catalog. Found at, the catalog contains metadata and microdata from its rigorous independent evaluations after the data is made anonymous to protect individual privacy.
  • MCC and PEPFAR. The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) are partnering to invest $21.8 million in Country Data Collaboratives for Local Impact in sub-Saharan Africa that will use data on HIV/AIDS, global health, gender equality and economic growth to improve programs and policies. The program will be completed in collaboration with the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data.
  • Data 2X. MCC supports the U.S. Government’s Data2X partnership to improve the availability and use of sex-disaggregated data, and demonstrate how better data on the status of women and girls can guide policy, leverage investments and inform global development agendas. Through this collaboration, MCC is working to make all of its gender data public and to implement a systematic process to improve future sex-disaggregated data. MCC also is collaborating with Data2X, the United Nations Development Program and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation to recommend ways to better integrate sex-disaggregated data into the reporting standards for the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI).
  • Foreign Assistance Dashboard. MCC has been an early leader in the U.S. Government-wide aid transparency effort called the Foreign Assistance Dashboard. MCC continues to work with the Dashboard team (State F) to increase the amount of MCC data included and was the first agency to submit data in XML format.

Open Government Partnership

In September 2010, the U.S. and seven other national governments launched the Open Government Partnership in an effort to make all government more transparent, effective and accountable. MCC applauds the countries with which it partners that are participating in this effort:

Finding Results

Monitoring and Evaluation

Understand how MCC tracks performance on processes, outputs, and outcomes throughout the life of a compact.

Impact Evaluations

Impact evaluations measure the changes in individual, household or community income and well-being that result from a project.

Economic Rates of Return

MCC is making available its Economic Rate of Return (ERR) data via interactive, downloadable spreadsheets.

Quarterly Status Reports

MCC produces quarterly reports on its compacts in development, compacts in implementation and its threshold programs.