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Division of Disability and Aging Services



The Division of Disability and Aging Services (DDAS) is responsible for all community-based long-term care services for

The Division contracts with a variety of local private service providers to provide services and supports to an estimated 15,000 older Vermonters and people with disabilities. The Division also provides direct supports through the Office of Public Guardian.

The division is comprised of the Director's Office and four support units.

The DDAS Staff and Provider Directory has contact information for DDAS programs and services.

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DDAS Purpose

The Division of Disability and Aging Services supports older Vermonters and Vermonters with disabilities to live as they choose, pursuing their individual goals and preferences within their chosen communities.

The Division Seeks to ensure their basic human and civil rights, health, well-being, and safety –
Provides effective leadership for disability and aging policy and services in Vermont –
Meets federal state mandates by developing and managing public resources effectively.


DDAS Core Values/Principles

  • Person-centered: We help people to make choices and to direct their own lives – pursuing their own choices, goals, aspirations and preferences.
  • Natural Supports: We recognize the importance of family and friends in people’s lives. We respect the unique needs, strengths and cultural values of each person and each family.
  • Community Participation: We support consumers’ involvement in their communities, and recognize the importance of their contributions to their communities.
  • Effectiveness: We pursue positive outcomes through effective practices, including evidence-based practices. We seek to develop and maintain a trained and competent workforce, and to use staff knowledge, skills and abilities effectively.
  • Efficiency: We use public resources efficiently – avoiding unnecessary activities, costs, and negative impact on our environment.
  • Creativity: We encourage progress through innovation, new ideas, and new solutions. We accept that creativity involves risk, and we learn from mistakes.
  • Communication: We communicate effectively. We listen actively to the people we serve and to our partners. We are responsive.
  • Respect: We promote respect, honesty, collaboration and integrity in all our relations. We empower consumers, staff and partners to achieve outcomes and goals. We provide opportunities for people to grow, both personally and professionally.
  • Leadership: We strive to reach our vision and to demonstrate our values in all our work. We collaborate with consumers and other partners to achieve outcomes, goals and priorities. We are accountable.