Think: Global Conflict

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Conflict is an inherent part of the human condition. People fight, all over the world, and all throughout human history; it is a natural part of our lives.
This section of the Global Peacebuilding Center provides resources to help analyze conflict, learn about conflict zones around the world, and understand important themes and tools of conflict management and peacebuilding.

Conflict is not necessarily negative—in fact, when it is handled effectively, it can provide opportunities for learning and it can bring about important change.

But when conflict escalates and turns into violence, it can be highly destructive.

Fortunately, there are tools and strategies to prevent violent conflicts from happening, to manage them when they erupt, and to resolve them and build a stable peace.

This section of the Global Peacebuilding Center provides resources to help analyze conflict, learn about conflict zones around the world, and understand important themes and tools of conflict management and peacebuilding.