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'ICYMI: Here is my statement last night on President Trump’s sudden firing of FBI Director James Comey.  It is laughable to suggest that he was fired for his unfair treatment of Secretary Clinton.  I will continue to speak out about the clear and compelling need for the IMMEDIATE appointment of an independent Special Counsel to head this investigation.'
'Senator Patrick Leahy lights a memorial candle with Holocaust survivors and with Museum volunteers Halina Peabody and Rita Rubinstein at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s annual Days of Remembrance ceremony at the U.S. Capitol Rotunda on Tuesday, April 25. (photo:  US Holocaust Memorial Museum)'
'Last night at 2 a.m., Senate Republicans pushed through the nomination of Tom Price to be Secretary of Health and Human Services, on a narrow party-line vote.  I cast my vote against this nomination for many reasons, but most important were the deep concerns I heard from Vermonters about what Congressman Price’s nomination would mean for their health and the health of their families.  Below is a word cloud reflecting many of those concerns.  If now-Secretary Price follows through on his long obsession with privatizing Medicare, block-granting Medicaid, and repealing the Affordable Care Act, millions of Americans will lose adequate health insurance coverage. That would be deeply harmful for families and individuals, for their communities and hospitals, for our overall health care system, and for the nation.'
Senator Patrick Leahy's photo.
Senator Patrick Leahy's photo.
Senator Patrick Leahy's photo.
Senator Patrick Leahy's photo.
Senator Patrick Leahy's photo.
Senator Patrick Leahy's photo.
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Below is my Senate Floor speech this afternoon on President Trump’s sudden firing of FBI Director Comey. The President’s actions have pushed us closer to the brink of a constitutional crisis. President Trump’s pretext for firing Comey adds many more questions. What were President Trump’s true motives? Why was Attorney General Sessions, who has supposedly recused himself from this investigation, involved in the firing of the official running it? The American people deserve a fact-based, independent investigation. This cascading situation demands the IMMEDIATE appointment of a Special Counsel to pick up the pieces of this investigation. Watch my full remarks HERE


ICYMI: Here is my statement last night on President Trump’s sudden firing of FBI Director James Comey. It is laughable to suggest that he was fired for his unfair treatment of Secretary Clinton. I will continue to speak out about the clear and compelling need for the IMMEDIATE appointment of an independent Special Counsel to head this investigation.

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At about 4 p.m. I will be asking Former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper about Russian efforts to subvert the 2016 election. You can watch my questions at today’s hearing LIVE here.


This is what the House will vote on later today. It's bad for Vermont. It's legislative malpractice.

Today FBI Director Comey refuted Trump's rationale for the Muslim Ban. He agreed with DHS that citizenship status alone is not a reliable indicator of a particular threat. Remember, this is not about keeping America safe, it's about trying to enact a Muslim ban. Discrimination and bigotry have no place in America


Today FBI Director Comey explained to me why he appointed a special counsel in 2003. The same concerns apply now. Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein must appoint one too.


WATCH: It needs to be said again & again: Facts demand an independent investigation/Special Counsel on Russia interference in our election.


This week I reintroduced the bipartisan CREATES Act. WATCH why we’ve worked hard to craft a strong bill, and to methodically build a bipartisan coalition to get this done, to lower drug prices for Vermonters and all Americans.


Fellow Vermonters, join Marcelle and me for coffee and light refreshments on the morning of the People’s Climate March in Washington this Saturday. Our reception for Vermonters, at the Mott House on Capitol Hill, is free and open to all Vermonters and friends. You can RSVP through the link below.

Please join Senator and Marcelle Leahy for coffee and light refreshments in Washington, D.C. from 8-10 a.m. before the People's Climate March. The event, at the Mott House on Capitol Hill, is free and open to all Vermonters and friends. Thank you for RSVPing and spreading the word. Stewart R. Mott H...

Senator Patrick Leahy lights a memorial candle with Holocaust survivors and with Museum volunteers Halina Peabody and Rita Rubinstein at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s annual Days of Remembrance ceremony at the U.S. Capitol Rotunda on Tuesday, April 25. (photo: US Holocaust Memorial Museum)

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I am LIVE on the Senate Floor on the Nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.


My votes on Supreme Court nominations have never been about reflexive partisanship. I have evaluated every nominee on the merits, and have voted to confirm several Republican nominees. Based on his record, I had concerns that Judge Gorsuch would bring a partisan agenda to the court. I had hoped that the nominee would be able to allay those fears during our hearings, but instead he refused to answer basic questions about the principles underlying our Constitution.

I cannot support his nomination today when the Judiciary Committee votes this afternoon. And I also cannot support advancing this nomination when it reaches the Senate Floor. Watch my full statement today HERE:


Watch the Vermont delegation answer questions LIVE at 1:30 below.

Vermont PBS educates, informs, entertains and inspires Vermonters to be lifelong learners and engaged in their community.

LIVE: Watch my questions for Judge Gorsuch on Day Three of his confirmation hearing.


The senseless, slashing cuts proposed in the President’s so-called “Skinny Budget” will not make America “great.” Gutting vital programs that touch every aspect of every American’s life to fund the construction of a misguided wall and pour billions into the Pentagon is not how you make America “great.” Cutting vital research to conquer cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease is not how we strengthen America. Pulling the plug on the LIHEAP lifeline that helps low-income working Americans survive the winter doesn’t make us a good and great nation. We need budget priorities that invest in our citizens and our military, not a politically driven bumper sticker budget that pits Americans against each other. Watch my full floor statement HERE:


LIVE: Watch my questions for Judge Gorsuch on Day Two of the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on his nomination.


My questions for Judge Gorsuch on Day Two of his confirmation hearing will be streamed LIVE on this page via Facebook live. You can follow the entire hearing of Judge Neil Gorsuch on the Judiciary Committee website HERE:

Nomination of the Honorable Neil M. Gorsuch to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States

LIVE: Watch my opening remarks at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the Nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch.

Senator Patrick Leahy updated their profile picture.
March 17
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