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formerly the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC)...  more on NCEI

NOAA Satellite and Information Service

The Ocean Archive System searches our original datasets as they were submitted to us, not individual points or profiles. If you want to search and retrieve ocean profiles in a common format, or objectively analyzed fields, your better option may be to use one of our project applications. See: Access Data

Search the Ocean Archive System

Basic Search | Advanced Search | Standard Reports
Match terms.
  • "Match any terms" finds accessions that contain any one or more of the search terms..
  • "Match all terms" finds accessions that contain all of the search terms.
  • Terms are case-insensitive. Salinity, salinity, SALINITY match the same.
  • For an exact match, enclose term in double quotes like this: "Gulf of Mexico".
  • To exclude from search, precede term with a minus sign, like this: -salinity, -"Gulf of Mexico".
  • Do not search for a data type using the word 'Data' (i.e., put 'chlorophyll' in the search box, not 'chlorophyll data').