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Friday, January 13, 2017

Peterson Announces Ag Committee Democrats

The Agriculture Committee's new and returning members are ready to get to work on the wide variety of issues overseen by the Committee, including reauthorizing the 2014 Farm Bill. I look forward to working with them and the Republican members of the Committee this Congress

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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Peterson Floor Speech in Opposition to Commodity End-User Relief Act

Mr. Chairman, I rise in opposition to the bill. The bill went too far last Congress and it goes too far now. The Commission, in my opinion, just needs a simple reauthorization.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Peterson Announces Improved Final Rule for 2017 Renewable Fuel Standards

“Today, I am pleased that the Environmental Protection Agency has gotten the Renewable Fuel Standard back on schedule and released more robust, final volume obligations for 2017,” Peterson said. “I have advocated continuously for a strong Renewable Fuel Standard and for EPA to match Congressional intent. This is an important step towards strengthening confidence in the biofuels industry and maintaining a strong rural economy.”

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Peterson Statement at Hearing on Opportunities for Improving Access to Food

We’ve covered a lot of issues but the overwhelming theme of the testimony has shown us that while there are some areas for improvement, SNAP works. We’ve also heard testimony opposing efforts to block grant SNAP and on the importance of keeping SNAP within the farm bill. I hope we can keep these themes in mind as we start work on the farm bill next year.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Peterson Statement at Hearing on American Agricultural Trade with Cuba

Now, as we’re all aware, the Administration has taken steps to ease both trade and travel restrictions. This is a good step but there is still more work that we can do to open this market to American agricultural products. I would like to see the embargo lifted but am doubtful that it’s politically possible to do so now.

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