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You are here: HomeAccess Data › Coastal Water Temperature Guide

Coastal Water Temperature Guide (CWTG)


  • 19 November 2013: The Google-Maps based version of CWTG has been modified to use the Google Map API V3.0.

To display water temperatures in a region of your interest:

  • Select it from the side menu at left, or,
  • Select it from a Google Map-based Web page, or,
  • Point and click on the region shown on the map below.
USA Map Click for the US Northern Atlantic coast Click for the US Central Atlantic coast Click for the US Southern Atlantic coast Click for the US Eastern Gulf of Mexico coast Click for the US Western Gulf of Mexico coast Click for other Pacific Islands Coast Click for other Atlantic sites Click for the Hawaiian Islands coast Click for the US Alaska coast Click for the US Southern Pacific coast Click for the US Central Pacific coast Click for the US Northern Pacific coast Click for the Greate Lakes