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EAS Regional Climatology EAS Regional Climatology
  1. Data - Figures
  2. Data - Figures

The East Asian Seas Regional Climatology Version 2.0 is an update to the preliminary version released in May 2012. This update includes new temperature and salinity data spanning the period from 1804 through 2013. The climatology was recalculated based on the new data received.

The East Asian Seas Regional Climatology is a set of objectively analyzed climatological fields of temperature and salinity at standard depth levels in the East Asian Marginal Seas. These fields were calculated for annual, seasonal, and monthly time periods on one-degree, quarter-degree, and tenth-degree latitude-longitude grids and are based on 1.2 million temperature profiles and 0.6 million salinity profiles.
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How to cite:
  1. Johnson, D.R., Boyer, T.P., 2015. East Asian Seas Regional Climatology (Version 2). National Centers for Environmental Information, NOAA, USA, dataset doi: 10.7289/V5MP5171.
  2. Johnson, D.R., Boyer, T.P., 2015: Regional Climatology of the East Asian Seas: An Introduction. NOAA Atlas NESDIS 79, Silver Spring, MD, 37 pp., doi:10.7289/V5D21VM9.