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Within APS

Staff Members
Gray Arrow Headquarters (Maryland)
Gray Arrow Editorial Office (New York)
Gray Arrow Office of Public Affairs (Washington, D.C.)

Department Contacts
Email, Phone, Fax
Gray Arrow Programs & Operations (Maryland/DC)
Gray Arrow APS Journals (New York)

Librarian and Institutional Contacts
Gray Arrow Librarian and Institutional Contacts

Renting APS Mailing List
Gray Arrow Counts and Prices

APS Locations

1 Physics Ellipse
College Park, MD 20740-3844
(301) 209-3200
(301) 209-0865 FAX

Editorial Office
1 Research Road
Ridge, NY 11961-2701
(631) 591-4000

Office of Public Affairs (Washington, D.C.)
National Press Building
529 14th St NW, Suite 1050
Washington, DC 20045-2001
(202) 662-8700
(202) 662-8711 FAX

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